33 | evidence

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jungkook stayed with taehyung all night, not wanting to leave the male alone. the brunette was in a very vulnerable place and the raven wanted to make sure he was there for him as much as possible. he is not upset that taehyung is pregnant, he has always wanted to be a dad. maybe not this early but it is what it is.  

as long as him and taehyung stick together, they will be fine. taehyung was awake, laying against his chest. both of them had not said a word, jungkook had a feeling that maybe taehyung thought he was angry. 

"I just want you to know that I am not mad, it was also not your fault that your pregnant. I guess we got caught up in the moment, it happens but I want you to know that I will do everything to make sure you and our pup have a safe and happy life" jungkook whispered, smiling when taehyung looked up. 

"your an amazing person jeon jungkook, what on earth did I do right in life to ever get so lucky to be your mate" hearing that from taehyung always made the male feel so appreciated. 

"I love you" jungkook whispered

taehyung shuffled up when he heard those words from jungkook, he smiled and pecked his lips. 

"I love you too".


the conversation he had with jungkook was what he should of done in the first place, but he felt so overwhelmed. he felt like everything was his fault and he has destroyed their lives. taehyung would of liked for the both of them to be jumping up and down excited to have a kid, but it is not always how it seems in the movies. 

when he told jin, rose, yoongi and sam the news they were shocked but excited for them. jin could understand why taehyung went downhill so fast after finding out the news, life was already difficult for them to live as werewolves in this town. let alone having a pup to care for and worry about. 

when jin asked to see taehyung's stomach and when he lifted his shirt jin frowned. 

"wow, you belly is already showing well. how is that even possible for it to be that quick?" jungkook chuckled at jin's questioned. 

"werewolves and human systems are a little different. pups grow quickly since their wolf has more energy and is also being formed. it is a good sign that his stomach is growing, it means the pup is healthy and doing what it needs to" the raven smiled, leaning against the doorframe as jin and rose hummed. 

"come on guys, class starts soon" yoongi yelled from the lounge.


as they all walked down the hallways to head to class, they saw thomas pushing a student to the ground. yelling at the student who looked frightened, trying to grab all his stuff from the floor. the brunette felt so bad for the student, he knew exactly what the male was feeling. 

taehyung jogged over to the student, helping him pick the stuff off the floor and helped them up. 

"I have not seen you in ages taehyung, surprised to see your still alive" thomas smirked, dark eyes shooting towards taehyung who snickered. 

"what is that supposed to mean, you admitting to something thomas?" he questioned, stepping in front of the student who quickly rushed off. 

"and if I am?" thomas asked, no hint of any emotion in his voice. 

"maybe you and your dad are right, maybe there are werewolves in this college. I will give you a hint, there are seven of them. and your lucky enough to have vampires here in the school as well" taehyung chuckled, feeling jungkook's hand on his back. 

"and let me say one thing thomas, I wont be leaving this town till I have you and your fathers company burnt to the ground. you may think werewolves are monsters but you have no idea what else we are capable of" taehyung said, voice stern. jungkook heard every thing he said to thomas and he was shocked. 

taehyung basically admitted he is a werewolf. 

when the brunette walked off to go to class, jungkook pulled him towards and empty class room. the others following with them. 

"what was that tae?. you just made yourself a huge target and confirmed to him that your a wolf" jungkook said, highly confused as to why taehyung would say that. 

"he already knew" the brunette replied, grabbing something from his bag and handing it to jungkook who immediately opened it. 

"these are screenshots of his emails, yes i hacked them. but he stated my name and said he knew i was a werewolf from the gadget incident. remember when we were in the cafeteria and he used a gadget on me, he picked me on purpose to see how it was going to react on me"

"these emails are sent to his dad and another business partner stating that they will try put stuff into the vents to hill us. they had no updated the files yet for the dorms so the only room that was affected was the one I was staying in with luke. but he is a vampire so it would not affect him in the slightest"

"he knows, there was not much I can do. me seeming scared would of put more of a target on my back so I bit back. showed him I was not scared and I meant what I said, I am going to do everything in my power to get thomas and his father in jail or their company destroyed"

"cause you wanna know what else I found" taehyung said, grabbing his phone and showing them all a video. 

"this is mr walkers wife, in human form getting killed by thomas and his dad. this is the same hill and the same person. they worse their company outfits while doing this, all she did was go for a walk and they killed her, they would of known she was a werewolf and decided to kill her"

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