22 | you have no idea who your messing with

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they all were sat on the couch, eating their takeout as they watched tv. jungkook sometimes glanced at the omega to make sure he was eating, whenever he saw taehyung take a bite of the burger he smiled. "I am going to go have a shower" taehyung said, taking his empty plate and putting it in the dishwasher before grabbing his things and heading towards the bathroom. 

"we have two bathrooms if you wanna shower up?" yoongi said to jungkook, who noticed the male finished eating. 

"that is not a bad idea" the raven smiled, taking his empty plate to the dishwasher and heading towards the other bathroom. 

jungkook had a decent shower, it was not long. he went to peek into taehyung's room to see the male was laying on the bed, under fluffy blankets looking out the window into the night sky. as jimin, yoongi and jin bided goodnight jungkook came up with an idea. 

he grabbed a bowl of sour worms, kitkat and popcorn and put it on a tray. he grabbed two cans of coke and also placed it on there. picking the tray up, he walked towards taehyung's room. the true-blood immediately smiled when he made eye contact with taehyung who giggled. 

"what is all this?" he asked, shuffling up a little from laying down. 

"movie night!" jungkook replied, shutting taehyung's door and turning off the lights as he grabbed the remote. 

"shuffle over" the werewolf said, smiling when taehyung did so and lifted the covers for the wolf to slide under. 

"what do you wanna watch tonight?" the raven questioned, turning on the tv. 

"lets watch footloose" taehyung commented, shutting the curtains from the bed and turning towards the tray of snacks that was placed over his lap. 

"sounds good to me"


jungkook smiled at the memory of last night. he was currently in class looking at his paper, pretending to draw but in reality his mind was playing when taehyung fell asleep close to the end of the movie, hugging his arm tightly while his head was rested against his shoulder. 

the raven stayed in that position for a little longer until he started to get tired himself, after tucking taehyung in and making sure the male had a pillow to hug he walked out the room. before class started jungkook went to the front desk to talk to them about the dorm changes and how there are now two dorms with free spaces. 

"class is dismissed, great work on your presentations guys! also jungkook and taehyung I want you both to stay in after class please" mr walker announced as soon as the bell rung. the class 'oo-ed' sensing they were about to get into trouble. 

as all the students left jungkook and taehyung both walked up to mr walkers desk, watching as he stood up and went to shut the door. 

"I am saying this with no malicious intent. I know what you boys are, I am saying this cause I care but it is not safe for you here. something is coming and it with hurt the both of you and any other people who are werewolves" mr walker said. 

jungkook felt has if his stomach dropped to the floor. how does he know? how did he figure it out. 

"i know what you both must be thinking, and I will tell you how i figured it out. my wife was a werewolf and she was killed by hunters when she came to the human world to inform me that she had our baby in the pack. she had taken pictures, we were meant to meet by this hill and when i had not hear from her I went to the hill and that is where I found her."

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