03 | deep brown eyes.

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the first day of classes and jungkook was nervous, rocking up to his classes where everyone knew each other and were most likely already friends can be overwhelming. most people would think he was scared of getting found out that he is a werewolf, but it was not possible. the only way someone would find out he was a werewolf is if they were a werewolf themselves or the stabbed him with silver. 

hopefully none of those happen. walking down the hallways of the highschool with his bag on his shoulder and his footsteps dragging against the floors as he passes other students who turn their heads to look at him. the raven knew he was not ugly, lets start there. but he felt as if people over-react when it comes to his looks. he considered if him being a werewolf conflicted with his looks. 

at some point everyone looking at him started to annoy him, maybe that was the consequence of leaving the pack. 

with the timetable in his hand, his eyes scanned the classroom for a specific number. his feet stopped once he found the classroom to his first subject. Jungkook pushed open the door, ignoring the glances of a few students who turned their heads towards him when the door opened. 

he sat at the back of the class, the desk that was close to the window. his eyes looked towards the white board that had english 101 across it. chucking his books onto his desk he pulled out his phone, scrolling through youtube as the loud bell rang. his gaze stayed on his phone while students started to pour in. 

he only looked up once when he felt a male hit his shoulder softly, he smiled when he met eyes with sam who sat next to him. clearing his throat when the teacher walked in followed behind her was a male that caught jungkook's eye immediately. 

the raven felt the air get knocked out from his lungs when his eyes casted onto the male that had brown-ish hair, he was captivating, he felt his heart arch a little. with all the feelings that were starting to over-flood his senses he looked towards the ground, frowning when he asked himself. 

'what the hell was that'

'who is that'

'why do I feel this way'

taehyung had clutched his bag as he stepped through the classroom doors, his hands leaving the straps of his bag as he sat down at the desk he normally sits at. he placed his hand on his chest when he felt his heart beat and move slightly, it was an uncomfortable feeling. he ruffled his hair as he sighed, taking his books out as the teacher started talking.


as soon as the bell had gone off, all the students stood up from their seats. the loud sound of the chairs scratching against the ground when people stood up, people linking arms with their friends as they exited the classroom and headed towards their next subject. 

taehyung felt excited for the next class which was art, it was his favourite subject. he has always had a thing for drawing and painting. his favourite memories so far living in the human cities were laying against a tree, eyes trained onto the ocean as he drew. it was peaceful and quiet, the sounds of the waves crashing against the sand was one of his favourite sounds. 

as soon as the male entered his art class he sat down in his usual spot, taking out his notebook. he had heard rumours about what the first assessment could be, drawing someone. he was not fond of the idea, he felt extremely uncomfortable around strangers. taehyung only has three friends. 

a male named jin, a women named rose and his bestfriend sam. 

sam was his first ever friend as soon as he hit the large human cities. the brunette was found sleeping in a park, when sam approached him the male could tell that taehyung was scared. when sam sat next to the brunette they ended up talking for hours. 

that night, sam was asking a lot of questions. he could tell that taehyung must not have been around here, he wanted to look after him. so he helped the male get a job, taehyung works part-time at a bar along with sam who looks after him. 

sam was not keen on taehyung working at the bar. he knew that there could be a chance he would get rude customers trying to make a move on him, so he put the male on his roster when he talked to the boss who was in need of staff. 

sam let taehyung stay at his house for a month until he got back on his feet. the brunette worked really hard to get everything he has now, he was thankful to sam who took him in with open arms. without sam, taehyung had no idea where he wold be. 

sam really cared for him, he was the only other person to really care for him besides his grandmother. he never told sam what happened to him, he couldn't even if he was eager to let it all out. sam introduced him to the highschool he attends to now, when the male heard about dorms being there that was his goal. 

to save money to get into school and get a place to dorm. 

jin and rose were the next person he met, he met jin and rose in classes. they were the nicest people that he had met since starting the school. they were the two he spent the most time with, jin and rose both dorm together in campus. 

it was nice having friends, the brunette never had friends at his pack. no one really talked to him.

"morning tae" jin smiled, patting the males shoulders before he sat down next to him. jin was a tall male, his shoulders wide while his black hair swayed a little side to side. taehyung thought the male was so attractive, he was surprised that jin was human. 

"morning jin" his soft voice projected, giving jin a soft smile before turning back to book as he jotted down ideas. he felt his chest move a little, he frowned as he placed a hand against it again. looking up to be met with a males eyes from across the room, he felt butterflies swirl in his stomach as their eyes never left each others. 

taehyung has never seen this male before. dark hair, brown eyes, tall, muscles visible from his white shirt. there was no way to describe what he was feeling, he gulped when the male did not look the other way. so he did, his eyes moved towards his book. he picked up his pencil as he tried to pretend he was busy doing something, when in reality he was scribbling a long the page.

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