47 | barbecue

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jungkook had been awake for awhile now, it was currently ten in the morning and taehyung was still asleep. the raven woke up to ara crying at six in the morning, he took her to the lounge and gave her a bottle. once she fell asleep the true-blood took her back to her crib. 

he slid back into the covers to cuddle with taehyung who immediately clung to him. when he could not get back to sleep he watched a movie instead. pecking the males hair a few times and pulled the covers over themselves more. 

jungkook had so much plans for this pack, he has already achieved so much and is so proud with how many changes have happened and how the pack is coming along. everyone seemed so happy. 

his parents, ash, his friends, taehyung. and himself. he was happy. ara was born and she is healthy and he cant ask for anything more. 

sam, mr walker, rose and jin were loving their jobs. jungkook was happy that he could prove himself as head-alpha but also their friend. he loved when people could rely on him and trust him. when it first came to light about him being head alpha. he had no idea what to do he was scared. 

he wanted to figure out for himself what he wanted to do, and he does not regret running away. cause if he did not then he would not have met taehyung, or any of their group of friends. 

the human town taught him a lot, and he would not change that. 

"you okay?" the brunette whispered. jungkook snapped his head towards him and chuckled, not realising his mate was awake. 

"sorry babe, I had no idea you were awake" the raven whispered, connecting their lips softly before pulling away. 

"you looked deep in thought" taehyung asked, sitting up slightly. 

"just thankful for how both our lives turned out" jungkook kept it short, eyeing taehyung who smiled. 

"we should get ready for the barbecue, the other should be here in a couple of hours" jungkook yawned, as they both got out of bed. 

"want to shower?" jungkook questioned

"together?" the brunette asked

"together" the raven replied. 

"we can leave the door open so we can make sure we hear ara" taehyung said, heading towards the bathroom.


the omega was currently wiping down the tables, plating all the food on the bench so they knew what they were going to be cooking. he smiled as soon as he saw his friends walking down the path and towards their house, all carrying items. 

taehyung quickly got the drinks out and and cups, smiling when everyone walked in. music was playing through the tv. sam came in dancing as he hugged taehyung. 

"jungkook is outside setting up the barbecue" taehyung called out, smiling when namjoon, hoseok and yoongi went out the back after hugging him. 

"where is my ara?" jimin said, after hugging him. 

"she is on the couch on her triangle pillow you got her" the omega chuckled as jimin raced towards the lounge. 

"your hair looks great jin, did rose dye it ?" taehyung asked placing the utensils on the bench. 

"yeah, I wanted something that does not make me stand out but draws attention to me" jin said, flicking his imaginary hair back as taehyung laughed. 

"afternoon everyone!" mrs jeon came in singing, food in her hands as she walked towards him. 

"afternoon!" people cheered happily back. 

"how are you love?" she questions, hugging taehyung who smiled. 

"really good, jungkook is in the back" taehyung said, knowing she would want to go see her son. 

"hey tae, did you get that message I sent you about the foot massager. I bought one and it is amazing" mr jeon said, taehyung laughed and nodded. 

"I did see your message and as soon as you said it was amazing I got it, but we dont tell jungkook why there is a bit of a dent in the account" taehyung giggled as mr jeon laughed. 

"your fit in this family so well" mr jeon laughed, heading towards the backyard while handing out beers. 

the brunette looked around the room and smiled happily, he looked towards the door to see someone about to knock. he frowned and walked towards it, opening the door to see ash. 

"hey, jungkook invited me. I brought a cake and some donuts" ash said, clearly nervous. 

the brunette had no idea the raven was going to invite ash but he did not mind, ash was always nice to him and him and jungkook seem to have resolved their issues. 

"that is so nice of you, come in" the brunette said, stepping back to let ash in. 

"jungkook is at the back with the others, doing the bbq" he informed ash who nodded. walking over to the backyard. 

from where taehyung was standing he got a good view of everyone. some gushing over his daughter and chatting in the lounge, while some in the backyard chatting. 

"the pool is open for anyone who wants to swim" taehyung called out. walking towards the fridge to take the water out. only to jump a little when he felt hands on his waist. 

"you okay my love?" he heard jungkook's voice call from behind him. the omega placed the water jug down and turned to him. 

"I am more than okay" he chuckled pecking his lips a few times. 

taehyung turned his head towards the lounge when he heard mr walkers son let out a fit of giggles, everyone laughed at how cute the little boys giggles were and watched as mr walker smiled happily at the little boy, taking pictures of his son with their daughter. 

it was nice to see everyone so happy. 

that was what life was about. family, friends and food.

"your the best thing to have ever happened to me" jungkook whispered, looking down at taehyung who turned his head to look up at him. 

"you are the best thing to have ever happened to me, I dont know where I would be without you kook. you not only saved my life, you saved all of ours. I could not be more proud to call you my mate as well as the father of my children" 

"every word that comes out of your mouth seriously makes me fall in love with you even more" taehyung chuckled. 

"even if I said you look like a bunny when you sleep" taehyung teased poking his sides. 

"even that" jungkook pecked his forehead. 

the end

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