20 | worried is todays theme

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while jin was in the bathroom having a shower, jimin and yoongi decided that jin will stay with them in their dorm. taehyung and jungkook went to jin's dorm to gather all his things and did a couple of trips back and forward. when the omega walked into the dorm apartment, he watched as jin walked into the room. he followed, placing the box on the male's bed before turning to jin who was putting his books in his bookshelf. 

"are you okay?" taehyung whispered, he felt really bad for jin. he thought about if he was in jin's place how much his life would have changed. how scared he would feel about what is to come. 

"I am okay tae" jin smiles, turning around to grab more books. 

"I made the right decisions, there is no point of fretting over it. I am just thankful I am alive" the male spoke. taehyung admired the way jin was handling everything, he had such a positive attitude. 

"I have to go back to my dorm but text me if you need anything" taehyung said, bidding his goodbyes to jin before walking out the room. 

"where is jungkook?" the brunette asked jimin who was grabbing some blankets from the closet. 

"yoongi had ordered some extra beds to fill in the other rooms so jungkook is helping him set that up" taehyung nodded at the reply. he wishes he could stay and help but he needs to do some work on his assessment that he has not really started. he always thought it would be a great idea to leave things to the last minute and worry about them later. 

it never worked in his favour. 

"tell jungkook and yoongi I said bye" taehyung replied, grabbing his things as jimin said "I will". 


when taehyung arrived at his dorm a couple of hours ago he was met with luke and his friends sitting in the lounge smoking. luke had his moments of being a good roommate to being a dick. he did not bother to say anything as he had headed straight towards his room.

as soon as he got into his room he started his assessment, with headphones covering his head. wanting to block out any loud noise coming from the lounge. for the assessment he was working on was the assessment to do with werewolves. he decided to talk about the history of werewolves and about the ranks and what each role is. comparing it to human life. 

it did not take him long to get majority of it done, when he looked at he clock to see it was nearly 7pm he groaned. he thought he had more time to work on it. pushing himself away from his desk he grabbed his clothes and walked towards the bathroom. 

after washing himself and drying himself off, he looked at the clock on the wall to see he was in the shower for thirty minutes. what he liked about the shower was the shower thoughts, he always planned his life in the shower. thinking about all his tasks and goals he wants to achieve. 

when he stepped out the bathroom he walked towards the kitchen to see luke's friends had gone. he was thrown off a little when luke was in the kitchen pouring a smoothie into two glasses. 

"oh your finished your shower, I made a smoothie but made heaps. here drink it" luke said sliding the glass cup across the bench towards the brunette who thanked him. as he took a sip he moaned. "this taste amazing, thanks" he said, going back to his room to read a book and finish the smoothie. 

taehyung was sat looking through the window, snuggled up in his bed. after finishing the smoothie he laid down, suddenly feeling his eyes get droopy. he let out a yawn as he turned off his lights and fell asleep.


when the omega woke up he let out a small yawn, rubbing his eyes as he tried to adjust them to the light. he shivered a little, feeling really cold. when he was able to open his eyes he looked around his room and looked at the time to see that he had missed class, he groaned and sat up. 

he looked down to see his whole bottom half was to his ankles. he was naked from the waist down. he felt his heart reach his throat as he quickly grabbed the blanket and covered himself. taehyung felt confused, he did not jack off?. he threw the covers off himself and looked in between his legs to see white stuff all over his privates. 

the scary thing was he cant remember what happened, how he went to sleep? he felt confused. he quickly got changed and went upstairs to jimin's dorm, he knew jin was not attending classes for the next couple of days. when he arrived he called out to jin who yelled back "I am in the room", once the brunette heard the reply he walked towards the males room. 

"hey tae, why are you not in class?" jin questioned as soon as he saw taehyung enter his room. jin was sat on his bed, his back leaning against the head board. 

"I dont really know. I fell asleep really quickly last night and I-I" taehyung started, as he was walking towards the bed. jin shuffled a little off the bed when he watched the omega's eyes get teary. 

"tae? what is wrong?" jin whispered, placing his hand on taehyung's. 

"I woke up and I felt really cold, I had looked down to see my b-blankets were thrown off and my pants and underwear were down to my knee's" the brunette let out a shaky breath as he looked towards jin. 

"there is white s-stuff on my lower half" 

jin had no idea what to say, he was shocked and it seemed like taehyung was in shock himself. if what he was thinking was true taehyung may have been raped in his sleep? it was a huge violation, especially of the males safety. 

"okay, okay. a friend of mine owe's me a favour and she works at the police station just down the road. I will drive you there" the last thing jin wanted to do was to make taehyung feel uncomfortable or ask him more questions, the brunette did not seem to no much. he looked really confused. 

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