41 | the ceremony

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the omega was looking out one of the empty bedroom windows, dressed up in royal attire as he watched many pack members all dressed up heading towards the white seats. today jungkook gets crowned as the head-alpha of the pack. jungkook was in the other room getting ready, they had not seen each other yet and it felt like they were getting married. 

the thought caused taehyung to chuckle, it was not common for werewolves to get married and both jungkook and taehyung decided they did not want a wedding, they were practically already married just by marking each other. 

a lot of choices on jungkook's behalf will be made at the end of the day, lots of construction and planning. apparently jungkook also had a surprise for taehyung, after the ceremony. he had no idea what it was but he was nervous to find out. 

he turned around when he heard his name get called and footsteps coming towards him, he smiled when he saw jungkook looking so handsome in his royal attire. the true-blood was shocked at how beautiful taehyung looked, everyday he just gets more and more beautiful. the reason why it shocks jungkook is because he does not believe the male could get anymore stunning. 

the omega hummed when he felt the alpha's lips against his own, kissing back with so much passion. "you look handsome head-alpha" taehyung chuckled, brushing the males hair out his face. 

"you look breathtaking my love" the taller whispered, placing his hands over taehyung's stomach. 

"are we going to announce that your pregnant today, to my parents?" jungkook questioned and received a nod from taehyung who smiled. "it is time to tell them today, I dont know how much longer I can hide it" taehyung looked down at his stomach that was close to being obvious that he was pregnant. 

"luckily we could find royal attire that covered it. mum must of been confused" jungkook chuckled. 

"she was" taehyung laughed, flinching a little when loud trumpets went off. 

"that is our cue, you ready?" jungkook questioned, arm moving to the side for the omega to latch onto. 

"ready as you are" the male whispered as they both walked out the room.

standing on that stage as he watched jungkook be crowned as the head-alpha of the pack had taehyung in tears. jungkook had come so far along and has grown so much as a person. it was an honour to taehyung to see the raven accomplish something so incredible. 

hearing the crowd cheer and shake champagne bottles causing the liquid to shoot straight in the air made taehyung laugh, especially when it happened when he got crowned luna. having all their friends next to them, laughing and clapping as they watched the two become officially luna and head-alpha was special to them. 

the brunette turned to see namjoon and jin hugging as they watched the two, rose and sam taking lots of pictures and selfies, mr walker who was smiling as well with his boy in his arms and jimin and yoongi who were also in tears but happy tears. 


as the ceremony continued jungkook took taehyung to his surprise. they walked for a little bit, chatting and smiling, talking about the future. "wow, you have a museum?" taehyung gasps, as they come into view with a massive white building. 

"my mother use to tell me that before they built houses in this pack, they first built a museum. this was the first thing ever built in the pack" jungkook whispered as they walked towards him, once they were inside, taehyung looked around. 

looking at all the beautiful art pieces. "what are these?" the omega questioned pointing towards a war with grids of artwork. "these are drawings children have drawn us, we all believed they deserved to be in a museum so we made that happen". 

the omega thought that was the cutest thing. as they adventured off more, they were met at the middle of the museum a huge wall with pictures of the royals on it. it looked gorgeous, the frame was gold and it looked to expensive. 

taehyung smiled when he laid eyes on jungkook's photo, looking dashing as ever. 

"the gap next to my one is for yours to be placed" the raven smiled, pecking taehyung's forehead. the brunette smiled, thinking about how cool this looks, it looked like a family tree but with picture frames. 

"who's is the one that is next to mine?" taehyung asked, pointing towards the one that had a red drape over it. 

"that is the surprise, I want you to go and see" the true-blood said, smiling when taehyung walked towards it. he watched as the male gripped the drape in his hands and pulled it off. soon the males hands were covering his mouth when he saw his grandmother, his favourite picture of his grandmother. 

he let tears slide down his face when his hands grazed her name that was at the bottom of the large picture. 

"it is gorgeous k-kook, I love it" taehyung whispered, smiling when he felt jungkook hug him from behind. 

"she deserves to be up here, next to you. with us" jungkook said, grabbing his hand before taking him to the back to the pack. where there was a large garden and a gate to enter. the garden was only for royal's as it was behind the pack-house. 

"one last thing I want to show you" jungkook whispered, taking the omega around the garden until they were at a private area. once they stopped the brunette saw a bench to sit on, flowers everywhere and a beautiful tombstone with his grandmothers name that was under the large tree that provided shade. 

"I know you like talking to her, and so I thought to get this done for you so if you ever want some privacy or want to spend time with her you can come here and speak with her. I am sure she would be sitting in that chair right now, smiling so proudly at you" taehyung felt his throat sting as he tried to hold back tears. 

"I also thought that when our pup comes into this world, we can take our pup here. so that they can be here as well" 

taehyung let the tears fall as he hugged jungkook, thanking him over and over again. 

"I miss her so much" the omega cried, jungkook knew how much he adored his grandmother and how much grief the male has been putting aside. 

"I know you do baby, I know" the raven whispered, pecking the males hair. 


gosh that was hard to write, I ended up crying myself and could not type properly.

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