Part 11

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For a while the two best friends play several rounds Ludo and other games that Sebastian has on his phone until it's about 11 pm. Sebastian said that he slept so much today that he probably won't sleep early and he was right.

Around 11 Sebastian finally got tired but refused to let Blaine go before he really was asleep so of yourse Blaine stays a little longer, making sure Sebastian is okay.

Half an hour later Blaine stands up, pretty sure that Sebastian is really really asleep and can't blame him for leaving when he comes tomorrow.

Time to go home.

Blaine takes his bag as his phone rings. Fast he picks up, without looking, so he doesn't wake Sebastian up again.

"Anderson?" he greets and hears "Blaine?" as an answer. "Hey Kurt" Blaine says softly, already telling by the sound of his voice that Kurt is not okay "Nightmare?". "Bad one" Kurt answers.

Quietly Blaine opens the door and goes out of Sebastians room, turning off the light and cloing the door behind him. "Do you remember this one?" he asks, walking down the hallway.

"Yes. Can we talk about it?" Kurt answers and hears Blaine answer "Yeah. Just give me a second okay?". "Okay" Kurt says and then falls silent, only hearing muffled sounds from Blaines side of the phone.

Then someone knocks at his door and Blaine comes in and ends the call. "Someone wanted to talk?" he says and smiles at Kurts surprised face.

"What are you still doing here?" he asks and Blaine answers "Sebastian made me stay until he's asleep which was about half an hour ago. I was about to leave his room when you called". "Thanks for coming" Kurt smiles and smiles sadly at him.

Blaine really is a true friend, always there for his best friend and even for him even tho they doesn't know each other for that long. "That's what friends are for" Blaine answers as if he could read minds. He sets down his back and then sits down on his stool "So. Tell me about that nightmare of yours".

"It's not really a nightmare but a memory that came back. The only thing I couldn't remember" Kurt tells and Blaine immediatly knows "The plane crash". "Yes" Kurt mumbles quietly.

Knowing that Blaine listens Kurt starts telling "I remember that Adam told me he's going to pick me up because my dad couldn't. I got into the plane, sat down and listened to music over headphones. I read and listened to music, not caring about anything around me.

That's until the plane started acting weird and not just because of an airhole like I first thought. Everything then went so fast that it's still like a blur but at least I remember some of it now. We had to emergency land and people really panicked.

Maybe I did too without realizing, I don't know. I put on the life jacket and the oxygen mask like the staff told us and hoped that I don't die".

"And you're still alive and we will get you back up on your feet again" Blaine says, shifting to sit next to Kurt and hug him. They never hugged before but Blaine could feel that Kurt needs that right now and he was right. Kurt needs a hug and he immediatly feels that Blaine is a great hugger.

"I know that I'm alive but I could've died and so many people could've died or maybe really died" Kurt mumbles and Blaine answers "They might and I don't know about them but you didn't die. You're still here and the other option is just a what if". "What if's are dangerous" Kurt sniffles and Blaine nods "I know so lets change the topic".

"You don't have to answer but I wondered, Why are you rather calling me at night? What about Adam for example? He knows you longer and better. Maybe he could help you to deal better with the nightmares" Blaine asks.

"Are you trying to get rid of me Mr. Anderson?" Kurt asks laughing and then answers "Adam is the type of person who has his phone silent all the time so even if I call he wouldn't realize in the middle of the night".

"Okay. And of course I don't want to get rid of you. I was the one who proposed that you could call me in first place" Blaine says "I just wondered because I always thought if you ever remember and be in a worse state than you actually were now he could help you better than someone you basically just got to know".

"Blaine you did just fine. Listening to me is all you needed to do. You did fine every time I called you. You helped me a lot. Thank you" Kurt says and Blaine smiles "Pleasure".

"Are you feeling better now?" Blaine then asks and Kurt nods "Yeah but today I actually wouldn't say no to one of those sleeping pills". "And you don't even have to call the nurse. I go and get you one" Blaine says and then goes out of the room.

"Here" Blaine says when he comes back and gives Kurt the sleeping pill and some water. Holding a cup goes quite well by now already. "Thank you" Kurt answers and swallows the pill with the water.

"Can you stay until I'm asleep?" Kurt then asks and Blaine nods "Of course". When they call unsually he also stays on the phone until Kurt sleeps so why not while sitting next to his bed? Also with help from the pill it shouldn't take too long until Kurt is sleeping.

So Blaine sits down on the stool and just like on the phone he starts  humming twinkle twinkle little star while watching how Kurt slowly falls asleep.

But Blaine doesn't stand up to finally go home, the clock showing almost 1 am. He was to exhausted from the whole day. He knows it was too much but he pushed his limits to do everything.

The young man feels his eyelids drop and his whole body feels heavy and before he could shake himself awake, stand up and go home he falls asleep.

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