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𝗞ai inhaled a breath of air as he silently followed Mason down the street to the nearest convenience store

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𝗞ai inhaled a breath of air as he silently followed Mason down the street to the nearest convenience store. He had no idea why he wanted to walk when they both have perfectly fine vehicles, but he seemed to be in a bad mood, so he didn't push the subject.

He shoved his hands deep in his pockets as Mason opened the gate to the empty soccer field that separated the store and the path they were currently walking on. He let the fence close behind him; he didn't care for it; all he cared about was his partner's odd behavior. If there was one thing about him that was constant – it was his desire to be talking. He grew to love that about him, so it was extremely weird now that he was completely quiet.

He only talked when he had to.

Kai knew he should have said something to him by now, but if he was being honest, he was a little bit nervous to do so. Ever since his conversation with Maverick at the ball, he's been different. He doesn't smile at him, he doesn't try hard anymore, and he definitely does not enjoy his touch anymore. It was like whatever they talked about erased everything he felt toward him.

So, forgive him if he didn't want to confront the situation.

If Mason was planning on breaking up with him, he wasn't about to speed up the process.

About halfway through the field, he looked up to see that Mason was no longer walking in front of him; he turned on his heel, raising a brow in curiosity as he noticed him standing idle behind him now. He had been so focused on his walking that he didn't even realize he passed him.

"Mase? Are you okay?" he asked, turning to face him.

Something like fear settled in the pit of his stomach. Maybe it was because of the way he was standing before him – back at ease, hands hanging limply at his sides. Or maybe it was the way his eyes were locked in his direction, but they lacked a single emotion. Considering they were his most favorite part about him, the sight made him swallow hard; he knew that blue eyes could look cold, but he never wanted to see that look in his eyes – and definitely not when they were pointed at him.

"Mason?" he tested again, taking a step in his direction.

The motion seemed to unlock his rigid body because he copied his movements, also taking a step. Kai frowned as he edged closer and closer to him, but that look on his face did not change.

When he stopped in front of him, he spoke again.

"Mason, is everything okay?"

"It will be," he said.

Kai felt like he died on spot from the sound of his voice, but the feeling of his hand punching him in the side of his face allowed him to believe that reality was not an illusion.

He fell to the ground, so surprised that he just hit him, but he was not granted a moment to contain his thoughts before Mason was on top of him, slamming him to the ground, repeatedly hitting him. After almost two weeks of completely no extreme reactions from him, this was a genuine surprise.

𝐄𝐍𝐓𝐈𝐑𝐄𝐋𝐘 𝐌𝐈𝐍𝐄Where stories live. Discover now