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𝗥ueben gnawed on the pad of his thumb as he sat on the edge of his bed

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𝗥ueben gnawed on the pad of his thumb as he sat on the edge of his bed. Elbows propped up on his knees, staring down at his socks, he listened to the sounds around him. More specifically – the sound that had only just recently filled the house.

Kaiser was to his left, carrying Rayne to the bathroom. He hadn't looked over at them once. Not when he came into the front of the house, and not when he walked all the way back here with her. Partly because it was hard to look at her; she crossed a major line with him personally, as well as what she chose to spend the better half of her morning doing.

But mostly because he was scared of what he would see. When Kaiser called him two hours ago, he had been woken out of his sleep only to find her warm body missing and her bodyguard absolutely frantic because she had snuck off and purposely lost him on the freeway. He knew then that not only had she tricked Kaiser, but also himself – he had been awake before she left which was when they decided to share an intimate moment.

He tapped his fingers against his temple; it made him feel sick.

To use sex as a means of getting him out of the way?—he didn't even recognize her.


Rueben looked to the side and watched as Kaiser took a few cautious steps in his direction. After he called him, he used the tracking chip he'd implanted in Rayne's phone when they first met. The only time he's ever used it before was when she didn't show up for trial.

Using it, combined with that terrible fucking memory, made his heart churn.

"How is she?" he asked, standing up.

"I think you should just see for yourself, sir."

He frowned, but it was only at that moment did he realize the disarray that he stood before him in. Typically, Kaiser was a very posh guy – he never had a hair out of place, but right now, he was the complete opposite.

His suit shirt was untucked and his jacket was caked in dirt. The rain from this morning must have soaked through because some of his clothing had patches of lighter areas, and others, darker. The white button-up he had on was now a mix of faded brown with a tinge of red.

He couldn't figure out if it was because he was chasing his disobedient girlfriend, or if it was because he had to pick up and bring in said disobedient girlfriend.

"What is she doing?"

"I think she may be taking a shower," Kaiser looked solemnly over his shoulder at the closed bathroom door, "—it was really cold this morning; when I found her, she was sitting in a puddle, shivering."

"Sitting in a puddle?" he drew his head back in shock.

"Yes, sir."


"I'm not sure, sir – she hasn't spoken."

"At all?"

Kaiser shook his head, "Only once, a few seconds ago, when I asked her if she wanted me or you to keep her company, or if she needed anything from us, sir."

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