ꜰᴏʀᴛʏ - ꜱɪx

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𝗕lake frowned as she looked down the length of the bed

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𝗕lake frowned as she looked down the length of the bed. From where she was lying, she could see nothing but the roundness of her seven-month-old belly; her feet seemed to be a lost extremity that no longer existed to her. Letting her expression extend, she lifted her head off the pillow just a bit to see if maybe she could view her socks that way—the answer? Nope.

Giving up and letting her head hit the pillow with a plop once more, she huffed in annoyance and crossed her arms over her body shelf; between her boobs growing three sizes and her watermelon stomach, she could balance a whole lot on this thing now.

Noticing her grievances, Emiko pulled her eyes from the TV and smiled at her.

"What are you doing?"

"Pouting," she replied immediately.

"And you are because—?"

"I can't see my toes."

Emiko placed her hardly-touched bowl of ice cream on the bed stand before pushing on her wrists and sitting up. She looked from her face to her feet with the widest grin pressed to her cheeks. For a second, she thought she may comfort her in her lowest time, but she did the opposite.

"Well, I can see them," she taunted her.

Blake, without thinking, felt the tremble in her lips before she straight up shot into tears. Emiko's eyes magnified with worry as she leaned over and tried to touch her. She just moved away and focused on the hot tears that were streaming down her cheeks in an inconsolable way.

"Whoa, Blake – I'm sorry, I didn't mean to make you upset."

"I'm not upset!" she sobbed.

"Then why are you crying?"

"I don't know!"

And that was the truth.

It seemed like the closer she got to her delivery date, the more emotional she acted. This wasn't even the first breakout she's had this week—it was why Emiko was tamer than in any other instance. Like at the start of the day, she ran out of mint chocolate chip ice cream and actually fell to the ground in hysterics. Emiko was off the walls trying to help.

Now, she was helping her get up as if she were a cockroach flipped over. She rubbed her hands across the length of her back as she used her own to catch the nonsensical tears spilling out from under her eyelids.

"Are you okay?" Emiko tested after a few minutes.

"Yes," she nodded, collecting herself, "—these goddamn hormones."

"You only have to deal with them for two more months."

"Thank god for that."

Blake leaned into her touch as she pulled the straight lines of her red-brown hair from off her cheeks. Staring into her light brown eyes had her feeling as if she was falling down a sun-coated waterfall, completely and utterly enamored by the light it bestowed.

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