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𝗕laine threw open the door to Emmet's office

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𝗕laine threw open the door to Emmet's office.

A shitty move on his part – disrespecting his boss like that, but he was the furthest thing from his mind.

As soon as everyone got back from their personal vacations after the Spain vacation trip, Maverick had pulled everyone together to tell them the truth about that day at the Docks — so here they were, confronting it.

If he was being completely honest, he was not surprised in the least. He should have known that the enemy would accumulate people that they were close with to take them down. And he also should have known that one of his own members would take pity on them because of something as stupid as feelings. He was also mad that Maverick waited a fucking week to tell them, but he thought Mason would have taken care of it by now; he'd scold him for that later.

"You!" he screamed, pointing at Kaedyn.

Emmet and Kaedyn's eyes widened as he entered the room in a hurry, his team trailing behind him. What made him even more upset about this entire situation was the interaction in front of him. It looked as if the two of them were just having a casual conversation; Kaedyn looked relaxed, and there was a hint of a smile on his face. Emmet didn't look the least bit bothered.

Blaine ignored all of that and flung at that purple-haired asshole, leading with his fist. Of course, now knowing their backgrounds and past image, he was not shocked to see him dodge the move with ease. He knew that he shouldn't attack someone with a history as strong as his so sloppily, but he couldn't help it. He was only seeing red – he wanted them to pay.

Unfortunately, a fight was not what he was going to get.

"Blaine! Relax!" Jase yelled, hooking his hands under his arms, and pulling him back.

"Get off me!"

"No, man! You said you just wanted to talk!"

"Let him go," Franki interrupted him.

Jase listened and stepped back. He wanted to lunge at Kaedyn again, but Franki gave him a stern look and backed him up with her hands on his chest. He wanted to scream at her to leave him be, but it would be unfair to displace his anger on her of all people.

He took a breather as the others confronted the problem.

"Is it true?" Jase asked both of them.

"It is," Kaedyn said quietly.

"Why the hell would you—"

"Enough!" Emmet boomed through the noise, "They've been pardoned; that's the end of it."

That just made his blood boil even more. They came here, demanding answers, only to receive none and to be slapped in the face with a pardon from the Capo for what? How the hell did they walk into his house and receive a punishment that was softer than death itself?

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