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"𝗬our parents sure know how to throw a party

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"𝗬our parents sure know how to throw a party."

Kaedyn pulled his stare away from the crowd and glanced down his left, spotting sparkling green eyes whilst smiling at the sarcasm lining the edges of her voice. Her sweet, button nose and sharp jawline angled downwards as she absentmindedly stared at her heels and spun the straw of the drink she'd been nursing for the better half of the last hour.

He ran his thumb across the smoothness of her red acrylics, collecting small, cool droplets of condensation build-up, loving that the shine within couldn't hope to match her eyes.

"They do, don't they?" he replied, equally as sarcastic.

Caycee's lips tilted upward, curving the fullness of them into a feature so beautiful, he would forever take snapshots with his mind, praying they'd save. But she did not respond to him. She simply fingered the thin layer of her tights, an act on which he'd normally pay more attention to because it had his eyes targeting the way her perfectly rounded ass protruded the slightly provocative dress she had on.

He could sense something was wrong, so he attempted a different approach.

Kaedyn swooped his hand over her lower back, catching her opposite hip, and grinning gently at the audible gasp escaping from her throat. He pulled her in tightly, welding their chests together at the same time he hmm-ed, almost non-verbally begging for her attention.

The motion granted it.

"My moon," he whispered as her eyes met his, "What's going on?"

"Nothing," she shook her head, "I'm fine."

And he knew she wasn't.

As her eyelashes fanned her orbital bones, creating deep and mournful shadows across the tops of her cheeks, and her legs moved stiffly to the sway of the music, he could see the resentment fighting its way to escape her body. He could correspondingly see the restraint she had on herself for his sake.

Caycee placed her cup on a nearby table behind him, leaning into him and palming his back like he were a pillow to hold at night, and sighed a sigh so heavily, it rumbled through his system. He knew why, he just thought if he was around enough, she'd feel less inclined to let it bother her.

But it didn't help that her reservations lay with the people that forced them into this ballroom tonight for a party that was supposedly in their honor, yet was really just a pop-up stunt. It didn't help that Caycee knew his abusive mother and doormat of a father were exploiting Kaedyn and Kai's names for the sake of their beloved organization.

They wanted everyone to know that they were a united front of a family and that any deception would be greeted with a slow death. How funny it was that the words on paper don't match the rooms hidden behind closed doors of the AAC.

"When can we leave?" Caycee finally lamented.

"As soon as I see my brother. I promise."

"You said that thirty minutes ago."

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