ᴛᴡᴇɴᴛʏ - ꜰɪᴠᴇ

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TWO AND A HALF WEEKS LATER:"𝗔ll I'm saying is that it's fucking weird man," Jase threw his hands up in the air, feigning innocence

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"𝗔ll I'm saying is that it's fucking weird man," Jase threw his hands up in the air, feigning innocence.

"In what way?" Maverick asked.

He was sitting across the kitchen island from him, entertaining a conversation about Mason. The last two and a half weeks were definitely the weirdest since they joined up with Rueben's team. In terms of the mission they were working on, there weren't many developments, but as for their personal lives?—it has not only grown tense, but odd.

Maverick and Mason were now involved – whatever the hell that meant. As far as he knew, and as far as his friend bragged, they hadn't gone past first base, but it was still strange to see them hanging out together and knowing in the back of his mind that they weren't just having a simple conversation.

Plus, ever since the breakup, he's been avoiding Mason like the plague; the motherfucker is so mean to everyone lately, and with his own life being a complete dumpster fire, it wasn't what he needed.

"You don't find it strange that he never had interest in you until he and Kai broke up?"

Mav shrugged, "I don't mind being a rebound."

"Yeah, 'til you realize that's all you're ever going to be."

"What do you mean?"

Jase stood up and walked to the fridge, "Don't be dense, Mav – any one of us could tell you how in love he was with Kai and vice versa; you're just something to entertain him until they work shit out for the hundredth time."

"Meh," he shrugged again, "That sounds like a later problem."

"Whatever you say," he breathed, grabbing a water bottle.

Maverick spun on his stool, facing him with a wide smile as he turned himself. He lowered his bottle, still holding a gulp of water in his cheeks like a pufferfish. Swallowing, he looked at him sideways before biting on the line he so desperately wanted a tug on.


"Can you tell me what you got me now?"

Jase walked back over to his spot and sarcastically rolled his eyes at his comment.

"It's rude to ask someone for a birthday present on their birthday," he tipped his chin up, faking an attitude, "—what'd you get me for my birthday?"

It had been quite neat to find out that while they belonged to different zodiacs, the two of them had birthdays within a day of each other. Today was his, the last being a Taurus, and tomorrow was Mav's, the first being a Gemini. Luckily, he's been able to keep his mouth shut on what his gift was, but the closer the days got, the more he pestered him about it.

"You're right – I guess I forgot," he stuck his tongue out.

Jase laughed, ignoring his stupidity as Mav pulled his phone out. A moment later, he placed it down on the tabletop and glanced at him with his hands folded under his chin. He ogled at him quizzically, but he let the look drop as he reached into his pocket for his cell phone as it began to vibrate.

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