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𝗥ueben closed the door to his room and walked to his bed; he gave Rayne a small, half-hearted smile before he face-planted right onto his bed, burying his face into the pillow

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𝗥ueben closed the door to his room and walked to his bed; he gave Rayne a small, half-hearted smile before he face-planted right onto his bed, burying his face into the pillow. With her sitting up on her side of the mattress, she immediately leaned over and rubbed the back of his head, probably sensing that whatever happened out there wasn't ideal.

Which was correct.

He knew that Mason wasn't going to just open-armed let them in, but he didn't expect such little words and extreme resistance like he presented to them. On a day like today, all he wanted was to be there for him; his father's death paired with his burning love life was not a good mix. He could see it written in his blue eyes just how much.

Though, he was sure that whatever Isaac said to him outside did not help. After forcing him to stay put in the kitchen, only to return covered in mud, the sadness on his face indicated how the conversation went; surprise, surprise that he didn't use his words to express it thoroughly. In fact, he just mimicked Mason's zombie glare and walk and went to his bedroom, shutting everyone else and the world out.

It was ironic how much he preached about communication, but when it came to him, he was just as bad as everyone he subjects. That would always be Isaac's greatest weakness.

"How are you feeling?" Rayne asked lightly, still soothing him with her hand.

Rueben tilted his head and shot her another one of his infamous fake smiles. She tipped her head to the side and raised her eyebrows softly, reading the expression on his face better than anyone else close to him. So, letting out a sigh, he turned himself around and sat up.

"I'm worried about what he's going to do."

"Did he open up about his Dad?"

"No, and I didn't push him about it because I thought that was the last thing he needed," he shook his head, "But Isaac did and now both of my brothers are in the dumps. I don't know what the hell I'm going to do—life isn't supposed to be this shitty, this early."

"I know, baby."

Rueben rubbed his hands across his face, getting rid of the tiredness.

"—do you want me to talk to him?" Rayne questioned, alerting him.

"What?—no, Red, he hurt you."

"He was upset," she shrugged, "I can handle being called a name, Rue."

"I know that," he grabbed her hand, "But just because the letter sent him off, doesn't give him the right to take it out on you because you were there."

"Yes," she nodded slowly, "I know that too, but it was out of character for him. If he was stooping low enough to resort to throwing things and speaking terrible language, then he's clearly two seconds from hitting rock bottom. He's not the type of person to just do that casually."

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