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𝗥ayne shut the door of her Audi at the same time Kaiser emerged from the driver's side of his car to hers

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𝗥ayne shut the door of her Audi at the same time Kaiser emerged from the driver's side of his car to hers. She rolled her eyes when he performed his normal bodyguard routine of taking her briefcase and carrying it for her—even though she's stated on multiple occasions that she was perfectly fine holding a less-than twenty-pound object for the mild walk from her car to her office.

Letting him have his way without so much as a fight, she clicked the lock button on her keys and started to make her way through the parking lot; she liked to park halfway down to open up spots for the elderly that worked her and to also give her a casual exercise.

This morning felt like a good day, despite the fact that she woke up to an empty bed and received no responses in her questioning texts to her fiancée. While she had no problem giving him space if that's what he needed, she still couldn't help but feel worried about his name; his title was still a present figure in his life even though he tried to ignore it so when he went off on his own she felt skeptical. It wasn't necessarily because she didn't trust him, but more so because she was struggling with her own dependency—something she didn't think she'd do for a second time.

"Gosh, finally you're here," Chloe interrupted her thoughts.

Looking up and matching a walking step with Kaiser, she took in the sight of her young secretary. Chloe didn't take up the same mindset she did, nor did she need to, so she parked in the front; there were about twenty feet of space between them.

On the journey to reach her she breathed in her pencil skirt, pink blouse, and short heels; everything about her was oozing professionalism and she couldn't help but reel in how far she'd come. If she had asked for this version of her seven months ago, she might have laughed in her face.

"Where's Rowan?" she asked, stalling in front of her.

"Late," Chloe rolled her eyes, "As usual."

"Good thing he doesn't work for me."

Rayne let out a breezy laugh in par with her secretary's as they both turned and headed toward the office building. Yesterday and the majority of this day, the building had been closed off for renovations. Apparently, they were adding in a new café on the lower floors and the workers couldn't do their jobs if they were here doing theirs.

It worked out for them as they got a day and a half off, but it also didn't work in her favor as she now had the responsibility of opening up in the middle of the day.

Though, on the flip side, it was exceptionally nice to be the first one to arrive to a place so populated by the working class. It definitely had an added thrill, knowing that she was the first on the list to be sent into work in reference to everyone else.

"So," Chloe hooked her arm into hers, "How's the hubby?"

"Shh, there could be paparazzi around," Rayne glanced across the parking lot.

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