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"𝗛ome sweet home," Emiko breathed as she closed the door behind her

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"𝗛ome sweet home," Emiko breathed as she closed the door behind her.

Blake gingerly walked into the foyer, taking a long look at their unfamiliar surroundings. From the red couch, to the open floor plan, to the gorgeous glass staircase. Emiko placed their suitcases on the ground and inhaled, smelling the people she'd spent the last few months alongside and finding that she missed them more now that she was standing in their home.

Kai had generously offered his apartment to Blake and Emiko once Blake was discharged since they were staying in the United Kingdom for their engagement. And while things got a bit tricky today with them coming home suddenly, they graciously decided that they would share Mason's room at Rueben's place so she and Blake could have some time away.

As much as Emiko missed everyone, this was exactly what Blake needed—what they both needed. Going back to Rueben's house now after so much had happened was not ideal. Blake just took the first step of seeing her daughter—she doesn't need to face her demons too.

"No wonder Mason always stayed here," Blake mused, "It's much more colorful."

"Agreed. Rueben's decorative tactics are kind of morbid."

Blake grinned wide enough that the bottoms of her teeth peeked out from under her perfected lips as she glanced at her over her shoulder. A small chuckle shook her chest, and Emiko's eyes immediately landed on her collarbones, on her sternum, on her shoulders—and wondered desperately what it would be like to hold her while she laughed.

"You say that now," she beamed, "Try living with him for two years."

"I'd rather live with you."

The comment came out shy, but her intentions were anything but.

Blake just shook her head in an effort to hide her growing blush and turned to the stairs, ascending. Emiko took a minute to gather herself and her nimble thoughts before grabbing their luggage and hauling ass up after her.

It had only taken her five minutes or so, but by the time she pushed open Kai's door and caught an eyesore of the British flag, Blake was nowhere to be seen. Emiko gently dropped the suitcases, not caring that they were rolling away from her, and delicately stepped deeper inside.

She understood better than anyone that Blake needed time to situate herself—to feel more like who she'd always been, rather than a patient. But as she inched deeper, and as she noticed a small trail of clothes leading to an otherwise steaming bathroom, she couldn't help but feel as if she were being egged on—dared, even.

So she moved on.

And on.

Until Blake's dainty athletic shorts sat at her feet and her fingertips were mere centimeters from the door. Until the heat of the shower dazed her with mist and moisture, and the sensation pooled somewhere quite lower than the hairs on her arms and the faint breath in her lungs.

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