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"𝗗o you want to stay here, or come with us?" he asked Caycee

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"𝗗o you want to stay here, or come with us?" he asked Caycee.

They were standing on the edge of the street, out of sight of anyone who may be looking. It had been raining all day and it seemed like the sky was not going to take mercy on them – not even now. Caycee was wearing his clothes, matching with him, Mason, and Kai – wearing all black.

After taking the short forty-minute drive to where the car was parked, they formulated a plan. All they needed to do was extract her brother, maybe kill some people, and then get out safely. He said maybe because she had made it clear how much she only cared for August; Mason and himself personally felt like those men needed to be handed a trip to the graveyard early, but they wouldn't do anything rash without her permission.

They all just wanted her to be safe.

If there was any a time for her mental health to be constricted, it'd be right now.

"You're letting me go with you?"

"Of course," he nodded, "We need you to verify who is who, but we also aren't going to leave you out of this – it's about you."

"But I'm not trained like you three," she looked at all of them warily.

"We know," Kai said under his breath.

Kaedyn reached over and smacked him upside his stupid blue head. He ignored the fact that Mason had to hold him back from reacting as he turned back to face Caycee. He knew that his brother was only being protective of him; in all the years they did share together, he'd never let just anyone in. The fact that Caycee was already bringing so much baggage alarmed him.

It was cute, but they were grown-ups now.

"Knock it off," Mason whined, "You deserved it."

"Oh, really?" Kai scoffed, "Then—"

He tuned out the rest of his words, not really interested in hearing them bicker over threats about their sexual life and who is going to do what or who isn't going to do what.

"You'll stay behind; you'll only come in once we've cleared the rooms for you."

Caycee fidgeted before him, but shuffled on her feet and gave him the nod he was desperate to receive. He unsteadily reached a hand over and tucked her hair behind her ear; he thought she may smack his touch away like usual, but she just gazed up at him with a surprisingly pleasant expression on her face.

Dare he believe she leaned into his touch?

"Okay. I trust you."

"Alright, let's go," Mason tapped his shoulder, "Your brother is being insufferable."

"Nothing out of the ordinary."

Kai scowled deeply and opened his mouth to say something snarky back, but Mason glared at him and he shut up fast. Rolling his eyes at how whipped he was, he grabbed Caycee's hand, and together, they darted across the less-than-busy street, reaching the half-way house.

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