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𝗥unning a towel over his wet hair, he took a seat on his bed and stared at absolutely nothing

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𝗥unning a towel over his wet hair, he took a seat on his bed and stared at absolutely nothing. Without Mason here, he felt the weight of his future forced decision take its toll on his mind. He could still smell his scent on the sheets of his bed, and he could still hear his laugh wafting from the places they've shared moments with no one else but themselves.

He let the towel fall off his shoulders and to the ground with a wet plop. He didn't even care. His eyes were trained on the small amount of belongings Mason picked up from his house last night after everything went down. He didn't even know why he let him bring it over here knowing what he did. Maybe he wanted to live in his fantasy a little more, or maybe he didn't want to be the reason why his smile failed to cross his cheeks earlier than necessary.

Kai placed his head in his hands and slightly moved it back and forth within. He knew the wetness on the palms of them were not just because of the water droplets making their way down his neck; each breath felt like a new snake slithering into his lungs, plugging the hole in which he needed to survive. It was like Mason was his oxygen and this mission was his deathbed.

He spent half the night he didn't sleep thinking of a way out of this. A way in which he could keep him safe, and love him at the same time, but he came up with nothing. In the same way that he was a trained assassin, he couldn't protect Riley. In the same way that Riley was trained, he could not protect himself from the inevitable.

No amount of training stops a bullet from ripping through an organ.

Wiping his eyes vigorously, he turned his head to the side as he heard a shuffling noise. He half expected to see Mason standing in the doorway, but he wasn't there, and of course, he wasn't going to be – he was probably still with his best friend.

What he didn't expect was who actually stood before him.

It took him a minute to recognize the mop of blonde hair and the pale brown eyes focused in his direction, but once he did, he rolled his eyes in annoyance and sat back in his seat. He was surprisingly glad that something of irritation was here to distract himself from the feelings of dismal he's been drowning amongst, but he knew it was trivial. He knew it wouldn't last forever.

"What are you doing here?" he asked, bored.

"You've been dodging my texts," Stephen answered.

"Don't you think there's a reason for that?"

Kai scoffed as he just smiled back in his direction and unwelcomingly entered his room. He sat down on his bed next to him, making his hand heavy – like lead – and placed it just inches away from his own. He almost sneered at the interaction.

Any man that wasn't Mason was a waste of time.

"You still leave your door unlocked," Stephen mused, "It's cute."

"I'll be sure to keep it locked when you're in town then."

"So rude," he laughed, "What's up with that?"

𝐄𝐍𝐓𝐈𝐑𝐄𝐋𝐘 𝐌𝐈𝐍𝐄Where stories live. Discover now