ꜰᴏʀᴛʏ - ꜰᴏᴜʀ

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𝗛e latched a hand on the golden bars of the office building and swung them open, stepping inside

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𝗛e latched a hand on the golden bars of the office building and swung them open, stepping inside. The cool feeling of the air conditioning felt nice on the back of his sweaty neck, as he had opted to walk here instead of drive, and now that summer was here, it was hot.

Keeping his eyes low and his head down, he stayed to himself as he wandered to the elevator. Luckily for him, it wasn't a busy hour; he was only joined by two other passengers.

"What floor?" one of them asked.

"Twentieth, please."

They nodded, pressed it for him, and then turned around and faced the silver doors, going right back to forgetting his existence like the prior two seconds.

That's how he's felt for the last month and a half – as if he was just a figment of bones and blood and not enough brain. He was acknowledged on a physical plane, yet no one cared to seep into the emotional one.

Not that he's been particularly open to that.

Tipping his head back, he rested against the metal container as he watched the red numbers click and beep. More passengers exited and entered on the journey to the highest floor, but he was hardly paying attention. He was watching his surroundings, but he wasn't watching them. He was feeling the shift in energies, but he wasn't feeling anything at all.

He was just a shell of a human being, not important enough to be filled, nor cracked.

Kai pushed off his standing spot once the doors finally reached his destination. He still did his best to keep his head low on his shoulders, but it was rather difficult when he had no idea where he was going. However, against the odds, he shuffled further down the corridor.

He passed a common room stuffed with people who he didn't recognize; for the first time in his life, he didn't react to the few commoners who took it upon themselves to make him feel dejected. The curls in their lips and the sneers on their faces were intended to lower his mental status – probably due to his blue hair – but unfortunately for them, he played that game all too well on his lonesome.

There was no one left who could possibly screw him further into the Earth's surface.

Well, except him. 

Lifting his hand, he knocked on the door of her office gently, finally finding the one named Rayne Miller. Three heads turned to see who was standing there; he almost backed out when he caught sight of her bodyguard's stern face and cautious approach.

He relaxed when Rayne stopped him.

"Hi," he said lightly, "I don't mean to bother you."

"You're not," she shook her head, but she couldn't hide her curiosity.

Not that he blamed her. Or minded.

Kai looked from her, to Kaiser, to the orange-haired woman sitting in one of the chairs with unease. This morning, when he woke up and sat his ass down with the intention to speak his truth, he thought that the events to follow would be just a simple handover. Alas, now that he was under three sets of preying eyes, he wasn't so sure anymore.

𝐄𝐍𝐓𝐈𝐑𝐄𝐋𝐘 𝐌𝐈𝐍𝐄Where stories live. Discover now