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𝗥ueben groggily and slowly opened his eyes

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𝗥ueben groggily and slowly opened his eyes. A dull pain throbbed in his temple as his awoken vision scanned the dirty, black cement floor his boots were touching. He clenched his jaw feeling something tight between his upper and lower teeth; it wasn't until he rolled his neck on his shoulders, feeling achy, did he feel the tie on the back of his head.

Feeling never more awake now, he snapped up and looked around him. His eyes widened as he took in the sight of the entire team tied up in groups of three. Directly in front of him were Mason, Kaedyn, and Isaac. Behind them, Blaine, Jase, and Franki, and off to the side Auden and Jonah shared a back-to-back seat tie.

He looked at the ground again, but this time more angled. He could see from both sides of his own chair legs, two more pairs. Straining, he found relief in the fact that Rayne was on his left, and concern when he saw Kai on his right—not Taryn.

"Look who's finally awake," someone spoke from the front of the room.

Facing the direction of it, he was eerily unsurprised at the crossed-armed stance of Rayne's estranged older brother, Enzo. His auburn hair was slicked back—probably on purpose to show them which side he was undeniably on. The terrifyingly similar eyes of his lover glared at him with singular distaste under the heat of only a few lamps. If the dust in the air wasn't circling him, he ought to believe he was still in a dream—in a stand-still picture frame.

"What do you want?" he attempted to say, but the rope in his mouth muffled his words.

Instead of fighting against it, enduring a bad case of rug burn, he zipped his lips and allotted the space to him. If there was anything about villains, it was that they loved to boast about their cause, their efforts, and their shitty actions.

It seemed like he was the only one with that mindset, though.

Rayne slammed the heels of her shoes on the ground and shook their bundle in an attempt to drag them from their marked spot. Even then, all Enzo did was plainly and lazily slide his eyes in her direction—any admittance of emotion was lost on him.

If apathy was a person, it was him.

Understanding that they probably weren't going to get anything out of him, he glanced back at his group and got a feel for why they got captured so easily. There had to have been gas in the ventilation system—he could tell from Franki's dripping neck alone that it was true. He didn't remember anything, and he knew she could withstand any type of knockout gas.

What he didn't understand though was why no one aside from her was injured. In fact, everyone was alert and watching what he just was—the person clearly not in charge. For an organization that had been chasing them for over three years now, this was strange.

Did they want a real fight?

Was it a test to see if they could escape?

His thoughts were left incomplete and hanging in the air as the loud sound of a chair scraping sounded from the dark corner off to the side. The chain reaction rattle of his group's chairs signified that they all heard it and that the enemy had their undivided attention in its entirety.

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