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𝗕laine grabbed the back of Franki's shirt and tugged her away from the edge of the wall; the spiral of bullets narrowly missed her right cheek

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𝗕laine grabbed the back of Franki's shirt and tugged her away from the edge of the wall; the spiral of bullets narrowly missed her right cheek. Losing his balance with the sudden addition of weight, he fell to the ground, only for his tailbone pain to be accompanied by stomach pain from the speed of his sister collapsing into his abdomen.

He released a loud groan from the back of his throat at the physical pain, but also at the mental frustration that came with this series of events—it was an unavoidable truth—they were pinned without an escape.

After the initial attack and revival on the second floor, the three of them decided it would be best to support the rest of the squad by starting at the bottom floor and working their way up. Under normal circumstances, a plan like this would be easy to compute as they usually had a team of five; four combat fighters and their distanced eyes and ears. With missing two out of the five of their members, they had severely miscalculated just how much firepower the enemy had and how far they were willing to go to put them down.

"Are you okay?" Franki voiced, noticing him still laying on the ground.

"Yeah," he breathed, taking a moment before climbing to his feet.

The two of them were currently hiding behind a mid-sized wall sturdy enough to protect them from their biggest threat, whereas Jase had been separated a few minutes prior and was now standing across the room behind a symmetrical structure. 

Established from the last time either one of them got a good read on the group across the room, there had to be at least ten to fifteen men doing a solid job of driving them into a corner. Just from the consecutive shooting, he could tell that none of them were ready to give up any time soon, but the speed at which they progressed toward them was growing more abnormal by the second.

It was almost like they were being overly cautious—like they didn't want to get too close, which was an odd thing he did not frequently experience when tasked against an enemy squad.

It didn't help either side that their visibility was down some because of the sprinkler system, yet even taking that into play, it still made no sense.

There was no need to play the scaredy cat.

They had no trump card, no ace up their sleeves—they were helpless.

"Yo, Blaine!" Jase then shouted from across the room, "Cover me!"

He perked his ears and listened to the bullets chipping the concrete and noticed it was a considerably lower level than what they'd been targeted with until now. He knew that Jase read the situation as he just did and understood it was now or never to join up with them.

Corresponding with a nod and hand signal, not wanting to verbally respond, he side-stepped his sister and inched out from behind the wall. Jase took this small window of opportunity and darted across the space between them. With his automatic gun, stolen from a dead person, hanging off the front of his chest, and his perfect mathematical trajectories coming from the barrel of the pistol in his hand, the trip took a lot longer than he anticipated.

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