ᴛʜɪʀᴛʏ - ɴɪɴᴇ

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"𝗔re you excited?" she squeezed her hand gently

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"𝗔re you excited?" she squeezed her hand gently.

Blake nodded her head with a grin plastered to her cheeks. She shifted on the doctor's slab she was laying on, crinkling the parchment-type paper underneath her backside. The two of them had been spending almost every day together, so when Blake mentioned she had an upcoming ultrasound, she jumped at the opportunity to escort her.

Of course, she originally wanted Mason to come and be with her as they were the ones who created the baby, but after talking to him, she decided it would be best if he skipped a few. Ever since he dumped his boyfriend, he'd been like an odd entity – nothing like the person she's come to know since reconnecting with Blake.

She wanted to say that it was bullshit that he couldn't collect himself enough to see their child, but at the end of the day, she understood his pain more than she wanted to admit. When Blake chose him over her, then Auden over her, it was like a dull knife to the back; repetitive stabs laced her skin until the tip finally did its job in submerging in her skin.

Maybe that was just the effect of loving someone. Unrequited or not.

"Are you going to find out the gender today?"

"No. Mason and I want it to be a surprise."

"Soooo, if I ask the nurse to tell me, would you be opposed?"

"Hmm," she turned the thought over, "Maybe."

Emiko played with the fingers on her left hand, "What if I want to buy some cute baby clothes?"

"Oh, in that case," she grinned, "Do as you must."

She laughed and tipped her head back, amused by the fact that she had not changed so much since high school. She was still the same Blake that loved fashion and dress-up, and she was still the same one who could be convinced of something undecided with the right persuasion.

Though the latter was being worked on, and for major things – like her choice of partner – had been updated; she was proud of how much she had grown from a few months ago.

Emiko popped her head up as the door to the room rattled and swung open. A female nurse entered with a small smile on her face; she dropped that upon the sight of them. Blake shot her a worried look as she adjusted herself on the bed.

"Good morning," the nurse said, recovering, "I'm Nurse Hopkins; how are we today?"

"Good," Blake answered.

"Great," the nurse nodded.

She brushed some hand sanitizer over her hands as she made her way to the computer. Briefly, they sat in silence as she ran through her records and input some data she was not speaking out loud. Emiko internally sighed, wondering if this was going to be a meeting rooted in homophobia; she wanted only the best care for her friend – she wouldn't allow her to be treated differently.

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