ꜱɪxᴛʏ - ꜱᴇᴠᴇɴ

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𝗠ason stood quietly in the doorway of Rueben's office with his eyes turned down and his head facing the floor

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𝗠ason stood quietly in the doorway of Rueben's office with his eyes turned down and his head facing the floor. He'd spent the majority of his day at their house, so when Kai called him and asked for help while Mason was in the middle of a shower, he thought that moving to the office was for the best. Yet, now that he was a statue, flooded with the light behind him, he was rethinking that route.

He didn't exactly know how much he heard—but he was hoping it was just the ending. The last thing he needed was to put shoved further into the doghouse because he ran his mouth again and gossiped about the sex they weren't even having.

"Were you just talking to who I think you were?" he asked, surprisingly lightly.



"They called in need of help," he explained, resting against the chair, "Apparently the other side figured out they were double-agents; how, I don't know, they didn't say. I did my best with what I could, but—"

Before he could finish his sentence, Mason was at his side, leveling his eyes to the computer screen. He watched, likely without understanding, the red dot blink back and forth in the middle of a hidden river. If he had known that it was there, he would have led them down a different path, albeit, it would have taken them longer, but maybe they'd still be around enough to answer the phone.

"Tell me what happened."

"I don't know," he answered truthfully, "There was a loud noise before the line went dead. I have no clue what's going on or if they're okay. All I know is that their phones are pinging them in the middle of the river. Both Kai and Kaedyn's."

Maverick turned his eyes away from the monitor and studied his friend instead. From the cool, yet abnormally sad look in his bright eyes, to the fingers that were turning white, he could feel heat collecting in his own ears. He wasn't an idiot—he knew that Mason was not entirely over that British mutt, but he was hoping that their time together would turn the spinner.

He could see now that he was wrong.

Still, he wasn't going to let go so easily.

"Hey," he grabbed his wrist calmly, snapping him out of his trance, "It's going to be fine."

"Yeah, like you care either way," he stole his hand back and moved a few steps away.

Maverick laughed under his breath, "And what ever could you mean by that?"

"I heard you, y'know—taunting him with the idea of me. Who does that?"

"Clearly, I do."

Mason narrowed his eyes, "And then you wonder why I never wanted you."

"I'd say you wanted me pretty badly when your face was between my thighs," he mused.

Instead of retaliating in the way he wanted him to, Mason simply spun on his heel and walked out of the room, slamming the door behind him. Honestly, he wanted to chase after him and let him know that he was just fucking around, but he didn't. He allotted him his space.

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