ᴛᴡᴇɴᴛʏ - ꜱɪx

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𝗠atteo leaned his back against the cold brick and looked at Enzo through the bars

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𝗠atteo leaned his back against the cold brick and looked at Enzo through the bars. He was told that Rayne and the others figured out his involvement, and in return, they found out where he was placed – there was even an attempted rescue mission, but of course, that all happened at the same time he was sedated and thrown into the trunk of a car.

So far, he's kept his word to his brother that he would play along with the plan they had formulated. He knew as much as anyone here that simply walking away was a luxury that did not exist. As much as he wanted to go home to his sister, he's developed a certain loyalty toward his older brother; he didn't want to leave either of them behind.

He wanted them both in his life.

For those reasons, and those alone, that's how he ended up in another cage; admittedly so, this one was much cleaner and even came with a bed. On the other side of things though, without only being under Enzo's watchful eye, he had to accept that with this placement, came punishments.

He'd never say it out loud, but none of that mattered to him. It was plain semantics; if he had to eat a couple punches to be around his family, then to join it in the end, he would gladly do so.

"The cut on your face looks better," he gestured to it.

Enzo rolled his eyes and opened the cage, slipping inside. He closed it and stood at the farthest end with his arms crossed. Neither of them were particularly inclined to hurt the other, but with the tensions beginning to rise, they couldn't risk anyone seeing them act brotherly. As much as anyone here knew – they hated each other and Enzo still had complete control.

"It's going to scar."

"I still can't believe Rayne shot you," he smiled softly, "—never mind, I totally can."

"Oh, hush you."

"I can't say I didn't tell you so," he whistled sarcastically.

"Are you done being annoying?" Enzo looked at him with bored eyes, "I get it already; our sister is a bit more headstrong than I guessed."

"A bit?"

He scoffed, "Okay—a lot, but this isn't what I came down here to talk to you about."

Matteo's smile faded; he sat up higher and folded his legs underneath his body, readying himself for whatever news was about to be sailed at him. When his brother cryptically said things like such, it never meant anything good.

He held his breath – just please don't be about a death.

Enzo used the bars to sit himself on the ground, "Things around here are about to get messier than before. And when I say messy, I mean messy," he ran his hands over his face tiredly, "Kaedyn just waltzed in here and murdered Tomás, then went on about how they would sign again, but if anyone else he cared about was targeted, he was going to kill everyone in the room."

𝐄𝐍𝐓𝐈𝐑𝐄𝐋𝐘 𝐌𝐈𝐍𝐄Where stories live. Discover now