ꜱᴇᴠᴇɴᴛʏ - ꜱɪx

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𝗪ater poured out of the corners of his eyes as he tried his best to run through the clouds left behind from the smoke bombs

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𝗪ater poured out of the corners of his eyes as he tried his best to run through the clouds left behind from the smoke bombs. He iced the fluid with the cloth on the back of his wrist, not wanting to distract his vision, but also not wanting the blurriness to affect it either.

Flinging one arm out to disrupt the thickness of the smoke, and using the other to minorly cover his head from incoming, unseeable bullets, his mind raced at the same pace as his soles to the floor. He couldn't quite pinpoint what it was that was bothering him, but his intuition told him it wasn't good—something that heavily regarded Mason.

It had only been a handful of minutes since the group dispersed from the area in which they were captured from, but it was all the time needed for Isaac to chase after the man that killed his wife and for Mason to follow as back-up. Without thinking, he darted after the both of them; incidentally, this caused Kaedyn to join as his back-up.


Before he could respond to the familiar voice, a hand grabbed the middle of his forearm and yanked him. His shoulder slammed into the wall, but he didn't lose balance and was rather glad when his eyes comprehended that the person in front of him was someone he knew very well.

Mason's eyes weren't on him, but rather aimed downward as he reloaded his pistol. The smoke in this air was dwindling, giving him full access to his being as well as their surroundings. There was an opening to another room behind Mason, and a cornered wall behind himself. Anything from beyond the direction he was just running from was a blind spot.

"How did you get here so fast?" he questioned, slightly winded.

"I was following Isaac and he cleared the path pretty efficiently," he replaced the magazine and looked up, "I'm surprised you didn't see the field of dead bodies on the way."

"I saw some."

Mason nodded, acknowledging him physically, but he was positive that his mind was miles away from this conversation. His eyebrows were angled downward and quivering as if they had been forced into that position for a long time. He could hear the sound of his fingertips rapping against the outer shell of his gun while he mumbled something under his breath.

But what he really fixated on was the blood pouring from his shoulder wound. Even though he was dressed in black and the sprinklers gave him the soaking-wet look, he could still see the darker spot where the blood was coming from, as well as it spilling from underneath his sleeve, dripping onto the ground from his knuckles.

"Mason—are you okay?" he grabbed that hand, inspecting.

"I'm fine," he said fast, pulling away faster.

Kai cocked his head to the side, concerned with his display of emotions. Disregarding the fact that they have unfinished business between them, he shouldn't be so hostile with him. If the talk in the bedroom didn't clear the air enough to help them work together, then the hand-holding time in the van on the way over here should have done the trick.

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