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𝗚ravel flew upward as he slammed on his brakes; the emergency brake pulled up, he emerged from his Corvette

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𝗚ravel flew upward as he slammed on his brakes; the emergency brake pulled up, he emerged from his Corvette. He had to milk the new address out of Kai – he had been a fucking mess when he left him at home, and while right now was not the time to abandon him, he had to do this; he had to make sure that even if they were forced back into this, everyone knew their place.

He shoved the door closed and heavy-footed marched through the front door of the new hideout. He was doing his best to calm the red filter that was masking his vision and begging for his mind to dissociate with shallow breaths and clenched fists.

It was one thing to hold antagonizing facts over their heads to get them to remain loyal to the side they had no interest in, but it was a completely different realm to not only murder one of theirs, but to also rip apart a good thing. In all actuality, he wondered if these bosses had a speck of brain in their heads – how the fuck would ruining their personal lives make them want to join their side?

Kaedyn pulled out a knife and slipped it around his fingers as he barged into the room he was told to enter. Enzo, Harrison, Demetri, and Nico's heads snapped in his direction; they were lucky they were standing so far away from him because he was aiming to kill whoever happened to be close by.

Sorry, Tomás – it's your unlucky day.

He was standing on the inside wall, his back flat against it. Without blinking, he flipped the blade and held the handle with his fist, driving it into Tomás's carotid artery. He twisted it aggressively, not flinching when blood spatter latched onto his clean clothes and freshly-shaven face.

Choking on the blood in his mouth for half a second, his body sagged and the life behind his eyes disappeared; the blade, shoved so deep into the drywall, was the only thing keeping his body standing upright.

Kaedyn snapped his head in the direction of the others as they began to freak out; Nico and Demetri were attempting to round the table between them, while Harrison was reaching in his pocket for something he couldn't see with his blind eye. Hesitating for not even a second, he lifted his foot and kicked the furniture, sending it straight into the lower stomachs of the three remaining fools. They tumbled to the ground, disarmed, and faces bright with concerned embarrassment.

Enzo, being the only smart person in the room, stepped to the side and avoided all interaction. Instead of getting mad that he killed someone, he just crossed his arms and steadily watched him, not offering a single word. His yellow-brown eyes were laced with amusement and indecision alike.

It warmed his veins, knowing that somewhere under that protective, bad-guy act he was playing, there was disorientation.

"The next person who moves will suffer the same fate," he breathed, wiping the blood off his lips.

He watched as the three men on the floor rooted their limbs to it. While he was on their side, they had absolutely nothing over him anymore to keep him from murdering them. That was the price of showing your deck too fucking early – with all the cards on the table, they could only expect defeat if they continued this charade.

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