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𝗞ai whistled to himself as he plopped the groceries down on the kitchen island; he was thankful that the grocery store he passed on his way home had been open, especially because it was nearing nine at night

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𝗞ai whistled to himself as he plopped the groceries down on the kitchen island; he was thankful that the grocery store he passed on his way home had been open, especially because it was nearing nine at night. Keeping up his tune, he faced the sink and washed his hands, cleansing his palate before he went to work making dinner. 

Ever since his ... incident, he found other ways to keep himself busy. It was ironic that in his experience, it took knocking on death's door to realize how much he wanted to live. In his experience, seeing how much his discontinuation would affect the lives around him—gave him the courage to persevere, even though times were hard.

And he wasn't going to kid anyone, especially not himself; getting over this bump in the road was not easy. When he first woke up after the sedative wore off, the first person he saw was his brother. After a second debilitating conversation, he vowed to never place him in that spot again. He promised himself that if ever should ever be so low again, he would communicate; he was done running from his problems and he was done pulling others down with him due to them.

He was just grateful his brother was who he was; if anyone else had witnessed and saved him from overdosing, they surely would hold it over his head any chance they could. Not Kaedyn. Without having to announce it, he knew exactly what he needed.


In receiving it, he has picked up hobbies to keep him company—he learned that he should be filling his mind with activities that please him mentally, rather than letting the thoughts consume him. If they weren't assassins, he'd suggest Kaedyn be a therapist.

Kai grabbed the bundle of vegetables he bought; unraveling the plastic off the head of broccoli and pulling the rubber band off the asparagus, he held them out in his hands as he washed away all of the American pesticides and impurities. Cooking had always been something he loved to do—mostly as a background skill—but now that he was focusing on trying to find happiness again, he was more than glad to bring it into the limelight.

"Kai," his twin's voice flooded the kitchen.

He looked over his shoulder; Kaedyn was dressed in his pajamas, already ready for bed. His hair was matted to his face in areas and sticking up in others, a semblance alluding to the fact that a shower must have recently been in his do-to plans. The look on his face indicated worry, but he brushed it off as his expectation of dinner—he was an hour behind on placing it on the table.

"Hey, sorry—I know I should have been home earlier."

"What?—no, that's not why I'm here."

"Does stir fry sound good tonight?" he questioned, not really paying attention to him as he continued to wash the vegetables, "—I was going to do something more intricate, but I'm kind of tired."

"Yes, that's fine—"

"Will Caycee eat? Is she hungry?"

"Huh?—uhm, sure? I don't know, I'd have to ask," his words came out fumbled.

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