ᴛᴡᴇɴᴛʏ - ᴇɪɢʜᴛ

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"𝗪ould you like cream and sugar with that?"

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"𝗪ould you like cream and sugar with that?"

"Yes, please," Caycee nodded to the worker in the coffee truck.

The man held up a finger and gestured that it would just take a second to retrieve those items. She used that space in time to search her purse for a collection of dollar bills. Ever since she was brought here that day and she signed a deal with the devil himself, she had been returning for this coffee.

She had no idea that something could taste as good as this did, and in addition to the taste, it was a pleasant feeling to see the purple and white stripes every morning; something about them felt pure and whole – something she would never feel on her lonesome.

"Alright, that'll be $5.17, please."

She looked up at him, surprised, "That much?—did the prices rise?"

Normally, her coffee order lingered in the three-dollar area, but she wasn't as surprised by this as she was expressing. She lived in Los Angeles after all – one of the most expensive cities in America.

"Yes, ma'am."

"Shit," she crinkled the three bills in her hand, "I only have enough for the old price."

After giving up every penny she had to her now late uncle, she was severely lacking in funds. Since the devil himself offered to pay the entire price, she had no need to steal from other men, never mind sleep with them, so she had been living off the scraps of her former bills since.

She had a few more dollars in her wallet, but she couldn't spend those on something as unimportant as a coffee; those bills would fill up her gas tank, and it was a level so low right now, that she couldn't afford otherwise.

"I see."

"Do you think you could give me a pass this time?" she asked.

"Usually, I'd say yes," the man leaned against the counter, "—but we had the prices raised because my grandfather has recently been diagnosed with cancer. We need all the money we can get."

Caycee sucked her teeth. She knew what it was like to give up everything to help out family, even if it was something as normal as time.

"Can you just put my order off to the side then?" she inquired, "I'll run to my car and try to scrounge something up really quickly."

"Of course," he smiled.

"Thank you."

My car? Pfft.

I barely have a storage compartment on my bike.

Caycee took a step back, plastering on her biggest fake smile to head in the direction of her vehicle, but as she did, a wall of a person stopped her in her tracks and her back connected with their chest. Instantly, her body remembered him like a poem recited from memory.

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