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390 10 14

"𝗟et me help, mi caballero," (my knight) Kai cooed

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"𝗟et me help, mi caballero," (my knight) Kai cooed.

Mason turned his head at the right time, getting wrapped in the trap that was the grasp of his husband's palm. Pointer finger delicately stroking the small stubble he hadn't bothered to shave this morning; thumb lining the underside of his jaw. His eyes immediately lowered to the cigarette dangling between two pink lips—he sighed as he felt Kai's warm breath on his cheeks.

Kai leaned in, pressing the end of his lit cigarette to the base of Mason's unlit one. The lighter he'd been trying to spark for the last five minutes lay forgotten on the corner of the beach towel, no longer needed. Mason watched with obsessive intensity, ignoring the waves behind them and the sand curling between his toes as the fire brightened Kai's face with oranges and yellows.

"There," Kai said gently, "All set."

Mason, lost in transfixion, didn't grasp his statement until it was too late. It wasn't until the flavor of the rancid smoke weighed on his tongue in place of refreshing oxygen, did he understand. Coughing like an idiot, he pulled the cancer stick out and faced the ground, surprised his lungs weren't jumping at the opportunity to escape his body.

Kai's laugh flooded his senses at the same time the heat of his embarrassment found his cheeks.

"I hope I never see the day you stop reacting to me like this," he mused, rubbing circles across his back in an effort to soothe the spasms.

"You think getting married to you would've snapped me out of it," Mason fired back, catching his breath, but feeling the raw ache in his throat.

Kai just smiled and pulled him closer, anchoring his vision back to his husband. Mason sighed longingly as Kai's hand brushed his still-wet hair out of his face, opening it up for whatever exposure he might deem necessary.

He breathed into the small kiss Kai planted on his lips as the waves lapped at their ankles, providing the perfect romantic radio to their unadventurous beach trip just outside the house.

"I've got plenty of ways to make you remember," Kai kissed his left cheek, "And plenty of years to try them all out," he finished, kissing his right.

"Stop it," Mason laughed, trying to shove him away with the tut of his chin.

Kai just took his movement as an invitation. He pushed him back until he was sprawled across the length of the beach towel, and his wrists were locked under his hands. Mason squirmed his lower half—attempting to act as if he was trying to run away, but found himself submerged with tranquility when Kai placed his hips over them, locking him down even more.

"What're you gonna do with me now?" Mason whispered.

Kai lowered his lips to his collarbones and simply hummed a hmm in response. The vibration tickled him up his esophagus and excited him below the elastic band of his trunks.

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