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𝗔fter awakening to the sound of his phone going off and successfully sneaking away from Rayne without startling her, he got word of the warehouse meeting and was now leaning against the counter of the kitchen

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𝗔fter awakening to the sound of his phone going off and successfully sneaking away from Rayne without startling her, he got word of the warehouse meeting and was now leaning against the counter of the kitchen. Twisting a bottle in his hands, he sighed and closed his eyes, wondering when everything in his life grew so complicated.

Starting with himself – he'd become this figment of a person he never wanted to be. He became exactly what his father warned him he'd become if he didn't home in on his flaws and attempt to fix them when he was growing up. Since he took his advice like a grain of salt, here he was, almost twenty-four, and treating his girlfriend like a kid despite the strength she shows on a daily basis.

He was so worried that the past would never die – that it would continue to repeat — that he was absentmindedly suffocating the one person who never did this shit to him.

On top of that, he feared for Mason's well-being; ever since his breakup, he had become a version of himself that he never knew existed. Just a few minutes ago, he was going to collect him to go to the warehouse alongside him, but he saw he wasn't even home, meaning he was probably at Maverick's.

Now, from a leader standpoint, Mav was an amazingly talented dude, but from a brother's point of view, he couldn't help the sticky feeling he felt in his gut over their new relationship. He knew that it was just a façade – that Mason was not capable of moving on this fast, and that he was leading Maverick on, so it made his stomach churn when he thought about their closeness.

He's tried to help recently, but with Mason's new attitude, it was like talking to a wall.

With all of that in mind, he felt like the life he's known, and the one he's been seeking have been fading away into the depths of his mind like a sad joke.

He just wanted everyone to be happy.

Rueben rubbed his face, ridding his tiredness as he pushed off the counter and started to walk back to his room. He had spent enough time wallowing over the things that couldn't be fixed overnight; now was the time to get back into the game, staring with the warehouse meeting.

Pushing open his bedroom door, his eyebrows shot to the roof of his forehead as he noticed Rayne darting across the way, heading for the bathroom. Her movements were so fast that as she ran by the dresser near the door, the picture he'd replaced after their last fight tumbled in her wake.

Reaching to grab it before it shattered for a second time, he placed it back and gazed at the area to which his girlfriend just disappeared. 

It was unusual for her to not even acknowledge his presence.

Slipping into the bathroom behind her, he rushed to her side, noticing her hunched-over figure hovering over the toilet. He dragged his fingers across her temples and held her hair for her, soothing her with a gentle back rub at the same time.

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