ꜱɪxᴛʏ - ɴɪɴᴇ

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"𝗛appy Birthday, Eden!"

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"𝗛appy Birthday, Eden!"

She watched the round, grey eyes of her new friend glow under the single candle in the chocolate cupcake in front of her and smiled. Being in rehab meant two things—no drugs or alcohol, and definitely, no good food—Arabella must have bribed the chef.

So far, she'd only been cooped up in this facility for a few days, but it wasn't hard making nice with the people here, nor was it all that hard to forget about her cravings. Either there was something in the air, or the reality of her life, her boyfriend, and her family away from family just weighed heavier than any dose of fake happiness ever could.

"Well, don't just stare at it, silly—we're not supposed to have lighters in here!"

Arabella covered her mouth as she laughed, slipping the object into her bra. The two of them were sitting in the common area a few minutes after recreation time started.

Holding the flame steady with her palm, she blew gently.

Happy Birthday, Julian.

The more she watched the grey smoke climb higher into the oxygenated air, the steadier she felt. This was only the fourth birthday without him, but it seemed to be easier. She could sleep better. She ate better. The shared birthday was no longer something she considered a burden, but rather a gift. It was the only part of him that would never truly leave her.

But even still, she had her reservations about being in this place. She didn't want to spend their day together in the slammer, so when she arrived, she kicked and screamed and earned a day of solitary. She wanted nothing more than to be with Blaine and Maverick, at home, comfortable, and warm. Alas, she knew that in order to achieve her goals, she was going to have to be a good little prisoner and cooperate with the slush for food and the crazies for friends.

With Arabella by her side, however, she felt it was smoother to exist. The thought of her friends and family outside of these four walls came to her in breaths of air, rather than drops of water, choking her. She still, more than ever, believed she belonged elsewhere, but in fewer increments.

Here, she would learn individuality.

It'd be good for her.

"Thanks," she whispered, taking the candle out.

that, too, she took and slipped into her bra.

"Of course—no one should spend their seventeenth in a hell hole like this, especially without cake."

"If they need rehabilitation, I s-suppose it's okay," Eden shrugged.

"Do you really need that?" she cocked an eyebrow at her.

"Not necessarily, b-but it will make my cousin feel b-better."

Arabella sighed loudly, "I have a feeling you can handle yourself on your own terms."

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