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𝗜saac sat on the edge of his bed, staring at the blank flat screen in front of him

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𝗜saac sat on the edge of his bed, staring at the blank flat screen in front of him. He could see the blurry ins and outs of his reflection as he bounced his leg up and down and gnawed on the skin around his nails. The more he looked, the more he saw the faint image of his father's face. The way his skin matched his – the way his hair was more poofier, and accurately projected onto this less than average version of a mirror.

Seeing his mother break down on the floor of her New York house was a memory he never wanted to experience, but now found engraved at the front of his mind; it played like an endless loop – constantly rewinding and fast-forwarding to hurt him in the worst ways.

When he left her, and she submitted to the pillows in her bedroom, part of him felt like he not only lost one parent but somehow, both of them.

He lifted his head when the door to his room opened gently. Almost as soon as his eyes connected with his brother's baby blue, pale ones, he was on his feet, watching him cross the room. He slammed his vision off, hiding the pain in his eyes behind his eyelids as Mason collided into him.

Enveloped in a hug now, he couldn't keep the feelings at a simmer any longer. Isaac wrapped his fingers around the back of his shirt and pushed their bodies together as if they were pancakes being stacked. Mason glided his hand across the back of his head and back, soothing him.

"I'm so sorry, Zac," he whispered, "I'm sorry I wasn't there."

It's okay, he wanted to say.

Neither was I, he wanted to speak.

With all of that in mind, he stepped even closer to him and breathed him in. Ever since the day they met, Mason has felt like the human embodiment of home – more than anything else on this planet. He was an unstoppable force of love and adoration which often left him jealous and feigning for more. But Mason never made him feel like shit for his addiction – he just loved him back, unconditionally, as if they were meant to be brothers in every single timeline.

"Mason," he whimpered.

"I got you," he tightened his grip, "I'm here."

"What am I going to do?"

"What you've always done. You're going to live and you're going to make Rufus proud; I know he'll be watching you, even if you can't see him."

Isaac nodded and pulled out of the hug, sitting down on the bed. Mason sat next to him, keeping his hands around one of his own to offer some type of physical reassurance. He had to admit – it was working.

Mason always made it easier to breathe.

"Tell me what happened."


His words were cut off by a series of loud voices in the hallway. Isaac and Mason both bent over and looked out of the crack in the open door to see who they knew were arguing.

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