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Holy shit, guys. We've made it to the end of the Entirely Yours series. I cannot believe this day has arrived. I cannot believe that it is time for me to say goodbye to the babies that I've created and have been writing for the last five years. However, I am already in the process of re-vamping the series, so keep your eyes peeled for new chapters and never-before-read scenes that I will be adding! I will, of course, announce any changes :)

This day feels so surreal and bittersweet to me, but I know this is a good thing.

It is time for me to move on to my next series, which, if you haven't guessed yet, is going to be a spin-off series of Entirely Yours with new and old characters. I hope you enjoy it as much as I plan to enjoy writing it. I hope to see you there in comments and votes!

Now, for a few questions:

Who was your favorite character in the end?

Who was your favorite couple?

Is there anything that you wished to have seen?

If you could rate it out of five stars, what would it be?

Any other questions you may have, use this comment box to send them to me. I will get back to everyone as soon as I see them! Please feel free to leave any constructive critisms here as well! I am very involved in wanting to improve myself and my writing!


(artwork by lixzze )

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(artwork by lixzze )

My name is Mari Elizabeth, and I am a 22-year-old with a bachelor's degree in the science of criminology. I started writing Entirely Yours when I was seventeen. My favorite character is a tie between Rayne and Kai, and if any of the characters are like me, I am most like Kai. My favorite couple will always be Rayne and Rueben. My hair is currently green and brown, but it has been every color other than orange. I'm five-six with hazel eyes and I have fourteen tattoos and eleven piercings. I'm pansexual.

I started writing when I was fifteen as a form of escapism from my mental illness, which was only diagnosed this year. I have found so much joy in my characters and relating to them, and I am so thrilled to see so many people find my words to be a place of solace for them. The seventeen-year-old in me is blessed to be heard.

Thank you for everyone that supported me, and continues to support me. This is the end of an era, but it's also the start of a new one. I can't wait for what's to come in the future.

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