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𝗘nzo pivoted on his heel, catching his sister's wrist just as she lifted it, attempting to drive the knife he'd given her directly in his back

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𝗘nzo pivoted on his heel, catching his sister's wrist just as she lifted it, attempting to drive the knife he'd given her directly in his back. The water pouring from the spouts drenched her hair, giving her a daring dark look as the strands stuck to her cheeks; the droplets falling magnified her furious eyes, making it seem as if they were glowing.

Her teeth were bared as she emitted a low growl, now struggling to land the blade underneath his skin as the force of his grasp was stopping her from doing so. The smoke bombs had knocked Andreas out of the mind space, leaving him dazed and confused, though it didn't take a wise man to understand why Rayne wanted to end his life.

"Calm down—let's talk," he tried anyway.

This angered her more. Yanking her hand from his hold, she used the foot on the same side to turn fast, all while lifting the other one off the ground. The back of her heel slammed into his ribcage, flinging him to the ground off to the side.

"Don't pity me, Enzo. Fight me!"

He pulled himself off the floor quickly, not giving her the opportunity to hit him while he was down. Instead of it pissing her off, it almost seemed to amp the situation up. Her hands landed in front of her chest; a fist forming over the blade, and a normal one for the other. He swallowed his breath, trying to catch the amount that had been knocked out during that hit.

More than anything, he knew this was her redemption arc. This was her making up for what happened all those months ago when she wrongfully confronted him on his former house steps. Back then, he couldn't have her winning, but right now?—it was all he wanted.

She deserved this.

Reluctantly, he raised his hands, getting in a stance.

"What're you trying to prove?"

"Nothing to you," she sneered.

"Then what?—"

His words were left hanging in the air as she charged him; he prepared for her to throw a punch at his upper body, as that's what it looked like she was doing, but at the last second, she ducked. His hand launched forward, planning a now failed counterattack. At the same time, Rayne palmed the ground with one hand and threw her legs up, supporting her body weight on just that limb now.

The base of her sneaker kicked the underside of his chin, performing an undercut; blood seeped into his mouth cavity as his head snapped back. Stumbling steps to balance himself distracted him from the fact that she had recovered all too quickly—that brat Mason must have taught her that.

Rayne sucker punched him deep in the stomach, now causing a lurch forward. In that instance, he saw an opening; her head wasn't ducked properly to avoid a hit and he knew better than anything that he could open-palm slap her, but as his hand twitched to move, he changed his mind.

His sister caught this.

Spinning again, she placed her foot in the center of his chest, kicking him back. The power behind this move was enough to throw him back against the balcony banister. His arms sloppily hooked over the faded metal bars—it was the only thing that kept him on his two feet.

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