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𝗥ueben stared at the reflection of the sunrise on the water of the beach behind his house

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𝗥ueben stared at the reflection of the sunrise on the water of the beach behind his house. He was sitting on the small boating dock a few feet past his privacy parameters wearing only shorts, socks, and a t-shirt. He hadn't wanted to wake Rayne up when he did; she was going back to work seriously today and he wanted to make sure she had her complete eight hours.

Lifting his chin to watch the sunrise on its own, he gazed at the artistic blend of orange, pinks, and yellows as he used this moment to take a look back on his life. While he had nothing major to figure out, he felt as if these last few weeks especially have been hectic.

Whether it was in regards to his relationship, his friends, or the people they agreed to save, it was all becoming a muddled mess in his mind. There were too many different things that were conjoining or splitting – so much so that it was leaving a migraine on his young brain. He was only a few months from his birthday, but he still didn't believe that anyone in his age gap should be dealing with the mountain of problems he had.

Sometimes he found himself wishing that he was born into another family. He wished that he hadn't been so privileged to be Emmet Torres's son – whatever the hell that meant. He often daydreamed about having a small life, a private one; without the strain of his parents, his potential title, and the issues that came with belonging to an organization.

Then again, his thoughts, coming full circle, landed on his group of people, and if there was one thing that had him firmly rooted in this lifestyle, it was them. He would burn the world to the ground while making sure they were away from the heat of the flames; not a lick would touch them if he had the power to make that choice.

"Rue?" his favorite voice said behind him.

He ruffled the pieces of white hair out of his face as he looked over his shoulder and watched his beautiful, one-of-a-kind, girlfriend make her way toward him. She was dressed up for work, her outfit complete with a skirt, blouse, and short heels.

"What are you doing out here?" she asked once she was close enough.

"Just thinking," he smiled up at her.

"Well, it's cold out. Here."

Rayne undid the item in her hands, showing off that it was a black blanket. He chuckled lightly to himself as she draped the garment over his shoulders before taking a seat beside him. He waited until she was settled before opening his arm and pulling her into the side of his chest, engulfing her in the warmth as well.

She laughed lightly as he kissed her jawline a few times.

"Thank you," he nuzzled his cheek onto her shoulder.

"Do you want to tell me what's on your mind?"

"Just life," he sighed, still leaning on her, "I'm thinking about how different it would be if I was born into a family that wasn't this one. If I'd still be bearing so much weight."

𝐄𝐍𝐓𝐈𝐑𝐄𝐋𝐘 𝐌𝐈𝐍𝐄Where stories live. Discover now