ɴɪɴᴇᴛʏ - ꜱɪx

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"𝗔m I late?"

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"𝗔m I late?"

The door to the physical fitness center slammed behind her with an echoing thud as her steps came to a halt. Her mouth parted as she faced forward, and could've sworn she felt the air around her enter her esophagus and collect every morsel of moisture from within.

Parched throat, dry lips—her eyes followed every lusciously performed movement.

Caycee slowly closed the gap between her and the pull-up bar without blinking, letting her vision trace the droplets of sweat that ran from pec to v-line at a pace she wanted her fingers to replicate. Fingers tense on the bar, she read the strained love me on them, wondering how to do just that when thick, tan biceps stretched under the tightness of his t-shirt.

Warmth pooled slick between her legs as she stalled a foot away.

"Yes," Kaedyn breathed, his chin ducking over the metal once more.

"Sorry, I had to deal with—"

Her words were cut off as the door flung open again and two painfully familiar voices trailed until she could see each of their faces from her peripherals. Kai plainly crossed his arms and nodded non-committedly as he stared at his brother, while Mason cocked his head to—well, who knew with him?

"—them," she finished flatly.

"Of course," Kaedyn eyed the intrusion.

"How long have you been at that?" Kai questioned.

"Ten minutes."

"Get down before you overdo it."

Caycee bit back a laugh as he rolled his eyes but dropped to the ground with perfect precision. It had only been a week since he awoke from his coma, yet the man was unstoppable—with a few days of stretching to stop the atrophying that happened to his muscles, and a fitting for a hearing aid on his right side, he defied all odds of those who had major brain surgery just shy of a month ago.

Kaedyn leaned over and grabbed his water bottle, spraying a stream of clear fluid down his chest and then over his hairline. Even as he shook his head like a dog, flinging them all with sweat-coated molecules, all she saw were the trails leading down his jawline—all she felt was that unfed desire rooting itself just below her navel.

"Dude, buzzcuts do not suit you," Mason stated.

"You act like I chose to have brain surgery."

"Well, technically—"

Kai smacked him upside the head before he finished.

"What!" Mason pouted, nursing the area with his palm, "Too soon?"

"Too soon," he glared at him.

"Lover's quarrel already?" Kaedyn mused.

"Shut up," Kai rolled his eyes and grabbed Mason by the upper arm.

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