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𝗕laine closed the room to his door gently, not wanting to wake Eden; she had fallen asleep in the car on the way back from the warehouse so he'd brought her inside and tucked her in

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𝗕laine closed the room to his door gently, not wanting to wake Eden; she had fallen asleep in the car on the way back from the warehouse so he'd brought her inside and tucked her in. For the last few weeks, he was proud of how much she was bouncing back.

Her withdrawals didn't last as long as he expected them to, but her stutter and overall personality have only been on the rise – to defeat a lifelong addiction like that in such a short amount of time was something worthy of praise, but he did not want to offer that to her too quickly; it may make her spiral downward.

He pushed down the hallway once his task was complete in order to find the person who'd been on his mind ever since the personal-issue scuffle that occurred as a side-show to mafia business. He rapped lightly on his door, popping it open a second later; he was not surprised to find it empty.

Blaine pivoted and ran down the steps to the front of the house, hoping to catch him before he senselessly went back to the guy who had zero interest in him.

His wishes were granted when he rounded the corner to the kitchen.

"Maverick," he breathed, thankful.

"That's me," he mumbled.

He was leaning with his back to the sink, nursing his newly bruised nose with a pack of frozen peas wrapped in a paper towel. His blonde hair was disheveled and his eyes were closed as he shifted it onto the various areas that needed tending to.

While he didn't know him on a level that Jase or Eden did, he knew enough to acknowledge that he didn't deserve to be treated like this. Of course, he was not at all defending his previous actions – the ones involving his tendency to hit on Mason while he was with his ex – but in their current time, he shouldn't be the one receiving the blunt end of that failed relationship.

He wasn't one hundred percent educated on love and partnership, as he was still navigating the ins and outs with Eden himself, but he knew that it shouldn't be like this. And even if it was, a relationship that begins on the premise of rebounding or anger will always be doomed from the start.

"How are you feeling?" he asked lightly, stepping close.

"Like I got punched in the face."

Blaine rolled his eyes at his sarcasm and gestured for him to lower the packet of peas. He did so, letting him investigate just how much damage was done. His skin was tender, but as he felt the edges of his nose, he could tell that nothing was broken, just slightly bruised.

"You'll be fine."

"Yay, me," he mulled.

Mav placed the bag back on his face as he took a second to study him. The longer he spent around him, the harder it became to read him, which was odd considering life usually works the other way around. He never felt the need to question his secrecy, but right now, based on that interaction, he was wondering what he was thinking, and how he proceeded with those thoughts.

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