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𝗛e adjusted the handgun wedged between his back and the waistband of his cargo pants as he pushed out of his Corvette and stood on the gravel road

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𝗛e adjusted the handgun wedged between his back and the waistband of his cargo pants as he pushed out of his Corvette and stood on the gravel road. His eyes glanced at the water half of the new building rested on; it had to be low-tide because he could see more sand than he had last time he was here.

Kaedyn walked around his vehicle and met his brother in front of the trunk. Pulling it up, they retrieved their respected items and headed for the inside; Kai continuously twirled a knife in his fingers with a grin on his face—one that had not left since breakfast this morning.

"You seem to be in a good mood," he commented on it.

"I am," he smiled at him, "I really am."

"It wouldn't have anything to do with your guest, would it?"

He grabbed the front door and held it open for him, slipping in after.

"Just about everything, actually."

Forming a smile of his own, the two of them walked down the lengthy, dirty hallway; he almost wished that they kept up the décor from the faux place as this one was sorely lacking. He understood that they needed to move quickly, so having the main meeting room be set up and none other was ideal, but it still gave him the chills—regardless of the fact that he could kill anyone here without blinking.

Kai placed his hands in his pockets and began to whistle that same tune he'd been doing all week. He was more than proud of him for getting over this hole in the road; for someone who almost committed less than a week ago, he looked more alive than anyone in his direct circle.

"Does this mean I'll be seeing him more often?"

"I don't know," he shrugged, but kept up the smile.

"What does that mean?"

"It means it's up to Mason. I know that I fucked him up and I also know that my words are not enough restitution. If we are to be together in the future, then he needs to figure out if he can trust that I won't hurt him again—which I wouldn't, but he isn't going to believe me so easily," he sighed, "It's something he needs to do by himself."

"And if he decides he can't? Are you going to be okay?"

"I think so," he nodded.

"Big change."

"Yeah," he shook his head at the floor, still in a good mood, "It'll suck if he chooses to walk away forever, and I won't lie to myself—it'll take a while to get over, but at least I can say that I had a great love once because that's who and what Mason is to me," he laughed, "My first love."

Kaedyn looked at him sideways and reciprocated his happy expression. It took a long time for his twin to get where he was right now—and to be content whilst doing so—and he couldn't help but feel a surge of glee enter his body.

𝐄𝐍𝐓𝐈𝐑𝐄𝐋𝐘 𝐌𝐈𝐍𝐄Where stories live. Discover now