Chapter One • The Human Realm

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It all happened in a blur.

Luz was thrown through the door, along with the rest of us. I must've hit my head or something because it hurt like crazy. My ears felt like they were about to pop and I was filled with fear. As the door slammed, I watched as the human reopened it to reveal the inside of a regular house. The portal was gone. All I could hear was the sound of the human worlds rain, the heavy breathing and sobbing from Gus.

I felt numb, like my brain hadn't processed what had just happened yet. I looked to my right to see Willow, staring fearfully at the open door. I knew that we were all thinking the same thing.

We're stuck here.

Tears stung my eyes as I reached my hand up to wipe them away. Luz turned to all of us with a blank expression. I would've thought that she'd be ecstatic to be back home, but she seemed the opposite.

Luz walked down the steps and helped Amity up.
"Come on." She said, her voice cracking from her crying.
"Let's go."
The humans home wasn't too far from the portal. We arrived in front of the door as Luz knocked anxiously. I heard Gus next to me, shivering, and still sobbing. I couldn't imagine how scary this must be fore him. He was only 12.

I wrapped my arm around his shoulder and squeezed him, in an attempt to comfort him. Suddenly the door opened, and a woman that resembled Luz stood there, with teary eyes.

"Hey mom. I'm home."

" these are your friends, Mija?"
Luz nodded.
"And they are all witches who can use magic and come from another realm?"
Luzs mother sounded extremely skeptical, as if she couldn't believe it was all real. I couldn't believe it either, honestly. I decided to walk around, to inspect my surroundings. I had to know what kind of civilisation I would have to adapt to.

I entered the kitchen and was shocked to find a basilisk. Not only were basilisks extinct, but they were from the Boiling Isles. Did they come from the human realm as well?

Immediately I had hatched a plan.
"...hell-o." I said, trying to sound casual and friendly. The basilisk gave me a strange look and continued to eat their food.

"Can you speak english?"
"...yes." They said clearly. This was perfect.
"How did you get on earth."
"Are you trying to get back to the demon realm?"
I squinted my eyes before nodding slowly. Perhaps this creature could read minds. I knew for a fact that mind reading was not an ability that basilisks had. Perhaps it was an earth thing?

"Don't bother my way here was destroyed, there's no point."
My heart fell.
"Oh." I walked off just as Luz ran into the room. Immediately the basilisk jumped up and ran towards her.

"Hey!" I cried pinning them against a wall.
"Woah woah WOAH HUNTER!!" Luz cried.
"V is a friend!"
"They have a name?"
"Of course I do!" The basilisk said angrily. "Now could you please put me down?"
I reluctantly dropped them.

"Why are there basilisks in the human realm? And why is one in your house? I thought this realm had no creatures, aside from 'humans.'"
"V has been living here for over 3 months now. She ran away from the demon realm. It's safer for her here in Connecticut."

"I'm sorry connect a what?"
"Connecticut. It's where I live. Here. You are in Connecticut right now."
"Oh. Alright."
I left the kitchen and collapsed onto the couch to think things over but was immediately overcome with surprise. This chair was probably the softest chair I had ever sat in. I leaned back into it.

Oh my god.
There were couches back in the Emporers coven, but most were made of cement. This was like sitting on a bed. I couldn't help but smile. I pressed down on material with my hand, and it bounced right back up. I let out a soft giggle.

"What are you so happy about?" A curious voice said from behind me. I immediately recognised it as the Captains.
"Captain!" I said spinning my head around to face her. She raised her eyebrow and smirked at me.

"Were you laughing?"
I could feel my cheeks turn red.
"I- that's none of your business."
"Ok ok." She said taking a seat next to me. I couldn't help but stare at her. I loved the way her nose bridge curved, and how perfectly her glasses sat.

However, she seemed to notice me staring, so I looked off into the fireplace. My eyes wandered around it until they fell on the mantelpiece. There stood a small golden statue of someone who looked scarily familiar. Then, as if it were alive, the figure came towards me, growing in size. It was Belos. And then, all of a sudden it was like I was back in the demon realm. All I could see was Beloses face contorting into a dark slime like thing as he cried out a name that I dreaded hearing.


It echoed around my head and I watched in horror as he came towards me. I clenched my eyes shut, but I still saw him. I reached my hands up to my ears, before suddenly feeling something on my shoulder. I opened my eyes in shock. I was still in the living room, sitting on the couch. I looked to Willow, who seemed to be looking behind herself. I then looked towards the mantlepiece to find that there was no golden figure. There was nothing at all.

It was all fake. I let out a deep breath and looked to see Luzs hand on my shoulder. Her other hand was on Willows as she leaned forward and said
"Time to see your bedrooms!"

Thanks for reading! I fricking love The Owl House, I hope to GOD that this ship becomes 100% confirmed canon in s3.

Anyways have a good day/night/idk.

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