Chapter Thirty • Home

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As Willow entered the kitchen where Luz, Amity, Gus and V sat, munching on their breakfast, they all stopped and turned to face her.

"...morning?" Willow said nervously under everyone's intense gaze. Luz picked up a spoonful of cereal and slowly brought to her mouth, but missed, shoving it instead into her cheek due to the fact that her eyes were glued to Willow.

"So," Gus said, raising his eyebrows. "What were you and Hunter doing yesterday in the garden?"

Blood rushed to Willows face as she hurried to the kitchen.
"Oh we just talked about the dance."
"Mhm," Luz said narrowing her eyes. "And this 'talking' that your mouthes were doing, what exactly was it you discussed?"
"WE NEED DETAILS!" Gus said shooting up from his chair and banging his fists on the table, knocking over Amity's orange juice.
"Wo-oah, calm down Gus," Amity said leaping away from the spill. Willow sighed walking over to the table with a cloth.

"We just discussed what time we would meet up." She said wiping the juice and heading to the fridge to get a glass of her own, just as Hunter appeared on the stairs.

"HunTER! What exactly were you and Willow doing yesterday in the garden?"
Willow anxiously sipped from her glass, knowing that they're lies wouldn't match up-

"Oh we were just kissing."

Willow spat out the orange juice from her mouth in shock while everyone else sat with jaws dropped and eyes bulging.

"What?" He said in confusion.

"I KNEW IT!" Gus cried throwing his finger in all directions.
"Of course you knew it,  you dork, you watched the whole thing go down!" Luz said.

"You what!?" Willow cried as Hunters face turned red.
"Where were you even positioned!?" He said with a nervous cough at the end.

"Oh please, you two were in an empty yard behind an array of various windows, you weren't exactly James Bond."

"James Bond?" Hunter said as Willow leaned her elbows on the kitchen counter and shoved her face into her hands.

"So are you two together now?" V said, "or are you staying with Priah and Phillip."

The two froze, realising that in the excitement of the previous day, they had completely forgotten about the humans.

"Uhh we'll just tell them today at school." Willow said.

"Okay, but just know that you cannot go back to the boiling isles without breaking it off. It just wouldn't be fair to them. Even if it is Priahs heart your breaking," Amity said.

Guess I didn't need this elaborate plan after all, Willow thought with a sigh as she cleaned up her orange juice.

As the gang stepped off the bus ready for their final day of human school, they were overwhelmed by the abundance of bright glittery streamers and flashing lights that reminded them all painfully of the dance that would be occurring in the late evening.

The bell rang, causing them to disperse toward their first classes. And of course the first class of the day for Willow had Hunter in it. And Phillip.

And Priah.

As they took their seats side by side, Hunter and Willow realised that they were the only ones in the classroom. Anxiously waiting for the teacher, Hunter drummed his fingers on the table, but Willow took his hand in hers and caressed it.

"It's okay," she said. "Knowing Priah, she'll definitely make a scene, but if you just keep it simple, it'll be over before you know it."

Hunter nodded and squeezed her hand in response.
"Thanks," he said with a warm smile.

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