Chapter Nine • Circles

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Hunter shrunk down in his chair just in case Priah turned around or something, to avoid being seen. To be honest, he found nothing wrong with Priah. She had always been nice to him. But Hunter had one mission here and it was to find a way back home.

That meant no distractions and no slip ups. He had already failed one of those things, by pulling a dumbass move and climbing out a window to interact with humans, but that was a mistake he swore to never make again.

Hunter was a new person! He was stronger, more focussed, prepared-

"Alrighty everyone! Take out your books and pencils." The teacher said clapping her hands together. Hunter froze.

He turned to Luz who turned to him. She had neither of those things either. So of course she leaned forward to tap the shoulder of the person in front of her, who just happened to be Phillip. Hunter shielded his eyes and looked down to avoid recognition.

"Psst. You got a pen?"
Phillip turned and gave her a pencil.
"Thanks. You got another one?"
The boy stared at her for a minute, giving vibes that said 'is this bitch serious?' And tapped Priah on the shoulder asking for a pen. She handed him one, and it was passed back to Luz.

"Thanks. Got any paper?"
Phillip groaned ripping a piece of paper out of his book. As he turned to give it to her, he hissed "Anything else, your highness?"

Luz took the paper and said.
"Yes actually. I need another piece, and an eraser wouldn't hurt."

He threw the second piece of paper at her, no eraser though. Luz passed Hunter his paper and pen and they began to write down the stuff on the whiteboard.

After a while of misspelling words and messily drawn diagrams of things he didn't understand, Hunter dropped his pen, exhausted. The bell rang and he ran out the door with Luz close behind.

"Titan how can you sit still for that long, huma-"
Luz clapped a hand over his mouth.
"No offence CALEB but I think calling me human when you're trying to pass as one yourself is a bit suspicious. Call me Lucy."

Hunter rolled his eyes.
"What do we have next?"
"We don't have anything. I have history and you..." she said, tracing her finger over his schedule.
"...have maths. Fun!" She said with fake enthusiasm. Luz patted him on the back before racing off to her class with Amity.

"Wait where do I-" he called after her but she was gone.
Great Hunter thought grimacing. Lost on the first day-
"GAH-" he cried jumping a foot in the air. He spun around to see who had spoken and was horrified to find a figure about half a ruler shorter than him with long, straight black hair and tan skin.

"Oh Priah right?" He said as if he didn't know.
She nodded smiling brightly. Hunter tried to return it but failed awkwardly. Priah twisted her finger around a lock of her shiny hair.

"Sorry you just looked kind of lost... I can help you find your class if you want."
"Really?" Hunter said. Maybe she could be of some use to him after all.

"Yeah lemme see your timetable." She said biting her lip as he pulled it out. Priah traced her finger across the paper just like Luz did and tapped the spot with a sound of delight.

"No way! We have the same class! Just follow me."
She held her hand out for him to take but he just shook it. Gus had taught him all about handshakes the other day and now he thought he was a natural. Key word thought.

Priah looked puzzled but shook it off as she basically bounced along the corridors. As they walked/bounced, she asked Hunter questions.

"So where did you used to go to school?"
"...Stray-lee... uhm—" he tried to remember what V had said but gave up.
"Just some preppy private school. I never bothered to learn the details."
"...uh that's cool... did you say Australia!?" Priah said, trying to keep her voice sweet and happy sounding.

Hunter furrowed his eyebrows.
What the heck is an Australia?
He just nodded trying to act casual. She let out yet another giggle that was starting to get on Hunters nerves.

"So Caleb... you got a last name?"
He froze before suddenly remembering what V had said to him the other day.

"Ok Hunter to clarify with you, for whatever reason Luz had, you are not related to her. You are Amity's brother, and your surname will be-"

He smiled proud that he could remember something. Priah visibly blushed, tucking some hair behind her ear.

"Well that's... a very... nice name. My last name is Singh, and it doesn't sound nearly as good as—"
Hunter had stopped listening. He had spotted a water fountain that he could've sworn they had already passed. It had very distinctive graffiti on it, big black letters spelling out 'ur mom', whatever that meant.

"—and my brother is always complaini-"
"Are we going in circles?"
Priahs eyes widened and she let out a nervous chuckle.
"I—no, what would make you think that?"
"Well, for one, I've seen that painting at least three times, and I don't think it should take twenty minutes to get from one class to another."
Priahs face fell.
"O-oh— oh no we must be lost-"
Her voice was riddled with fake concern that sounded almost sarcastic. Hunter raised an eyebrow. What could this girl possibly gain from leading him in circles around the school? Was she trying to make him late?

This angered him, so he stormed off. Hunter heard the sound of Priahs ballet flats as they clicked along the linoleum floors.

"Caleb wait!" She cried and Hunter turned.
"Are you going to take me to Math now or are you just going to waste more of my time?"
"Caleb I-" she took in a deep breath and squeezed her eyes shut.

This is taking too long. He thought heading back down the hallway as Priah called out.


Y'all guessed it. Priah's a little bitch >:p
Sorry if your name is Priah. It's a pretty name but a shitty character.

Take your anger out on the character in the comments lol 🔪🩸🤬 💀

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