Chapter Six • Monopoly

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Was just watching the Titanic. Truly an honour to witness it 😭

Everyone sat in Luzs room, drinking Fanta, as she taught them how to play monopoly. Gus kept putting the houses on his head, claiming they were hats, while Amity was surprisingly good at the game.

"It's because my mom always taught me the value of money, and how it's the utter most important thing in the world. Greedy bitch." She said the last part under her breath. Hunter heard it and choked on his Fanta.They both shared a mutual hate for Odalia Blight.

Willow rolled a three and landed on Luzs property.
"BOOM!" Luz cried, throwing her hands in the air. "Sorry babes, but you owe me 50 bucks!"

However, Luz never received her $50 because just then the front door slammed and her name was yelled out, angrily.

Everyone ran downstairs to see V, who still looked like Luz, furiously throw down her backpack.

"You were banned from the library!?!?"
Realisation suddenly dawned on Luzs face.
"Oooooh yeahhh sorry I forgot about that."
"What on EARTH did you even do!?" V said exasperated.

"Well it may have involved a smoke machine and some dozen woodland animals..."
V facepalmed as Willow groaned and Amity giggled.

"How are we going to find a way home now!?" Hunter said, in a concerned buy aggravated tone.

"Well it looks like one of you will have to come to human school." V said with a sigh. Immediately Amity stepped forward.
"I'll go." Luz smiled.
"If you're going I'm going! It's cousin time!"
"OKaY! iF Amity gets to go to human school than I do too!!" Gus cried way too excited for something as boring a school.

Willows face lit up suddenly.
"I need to go as well. No offense Luz, your house is very nice and all, but I would really love to go outside more!"
Hunter swallowed.
"Uh— me too. I want to go as well. To help find information. For the portal."

V sighed.
"Ok then I guess everyone's coming. You all remember your story, right? And your names?"
Everyone nodded.
"And each others names?"
There was some noises of doubt and slow nods of heads that quickly turned to shakes. Luz gave her a weak smile as V groaned.

It took about ten minutes to finally get everyone acquainted with each others alibis.

"Ok!" Amity said "let's see if I got this right:
I'm Amelia-"
"Still think Hecate was better." Luz muttered.
"- Hunter is Caleb, Willow is Lilly, V is Luz, and Gus is Vincent. Clear?"
Everyone nodded confidently.

"Great!" V said clapping her hands together and walking away.
"Im going to go take a shower."

The group dispersed, heading off to do  their own thing. Hunter went out on a quest to find the first Harry Potter book while Willow decided to hang out in the Nocedas back garden.

Hunter found the book not to long after and went into the living room to read it, but froze as he saw Gus sitting there, trying to solve a colourful cube.

Since the two hadn't spoken since the Grimwalker incident, Hunter thought it would be best to read elsewhere. As he turned to leave Gus spoke up.

"Hunter wait."
Hunter stopped but didn't face Gus. The pair spoke with their backs to each other.

"I— i wanted to apologise... for earlier. It was wrong of me to bring something like that up I honestly don't know what I was thinking..."

Hunter swallowed.
"It''s fine. I just wish you hadn't... seen that." He shuddered as he spoke and decided that now would be a great time to leave. Hunter took but one step forward before freezing at the sound of Guses sobs.
Immediately, Hunter spun around and walked over to the sofa.

Gus sat, crying heavily into his hands. He had dropped the cube to the floor and Hunter walked over to pick it up.

He held it in his hand, admiring the bright colours before sitting down next to Gus and placing his arm around his shoulder.

"It's ok it's ok..." Hunter whispered, comforting him. Gus let out a couple of shuddering breaths before swallowing.

"I'm— I'm sorry I just—- it's so scary... I dont know how Luz managed for— for so long! I've been here for-for a day and I'm— im just so afraid!! I miss my family... I miss my friends back home, I even miss Hexside! And we don't-
don't even know if getting back home is possible-"

"It is." Hunter assured him. "Trust me."
In truth, Hunter didn't know for sure himself, but calming down Gus was his priority right now, si he decided to take his mind off of things.

Hunter juggled the cube in his hand for a bit.
"What's this?"
Gus looked up, his eyes red and his cheeks wet with tears.
"That's *sniff* that's a Rubik's cube. It's a- a human puzzle game."
Hunter nodded, observing it.

"I had one back home. The H.A.S. really enjoyed it."
"What's the H.A.S.?"
"It stands for Human Appreciation Society. It was a club I had back at Hexside."
"That's cool."

As the two bonded, Willow watched from the window. She had never seen Hunter act so open and caring before, and it warmed her heart to know that he truly wasn't the Golden Guard anymore.

10 minutes earlier...

Willow headed outside to hang out in the Nocedas garden. As she walked past the flowers that lined the walls of the house, she discovered a pair of swings that hung down from a large tree in their yard. Of course, Willow went over and sat down, observing the variety of botanic wildlife from her spot.

Her focus slowly turned to the tree as her eyes followed the long branches all the way up to the second floor windows.

Was this the tree Hunter climbed down from?
Willow couldn't help but giggle, picturing Hunter clumsily making his way from the bedroom window to the ground.

"Willow right?"
Willow jumped at the sound of the voice and quickly turned to see Camilla Noceda, Luzs mother.

"Yes that me." She replied with a smile which Camilla returned.
"Thank you so much for keeping my Luz safe. I know she can be... a bit of a handful."
"Oh no really it was all Eda." Willow said waving her hand. She then noticed that Camilla was wearing gloves and a large hat.

"Are you...gardening?"
"Oh yes, I am."
"Can I help?"
"Of course! You wouldn't happen to have some spell or something that could help permanently destroy these weeds, would you?"

"Oh I do but since our magical abilities rely on taking magic in from around us and commanding it to do as we say, there aren't any spells I can do in the human real- I mean Connect-I-cut."

Camilla giggled.
"It's pronounced 'connetiket.' And I still can't believe that magic really exists. It must be hard having to switch to such a normal lifestyle all of a sudden."
"Yeah I guess it is."

"Oh and your parents! They must be worried sick! Did they know you came here? Do you have anyway of contacting them?"
Willow slowly shook her head.

"Sadly no."
Camilla hugged Willow tight. After pulling away she put her hands on her shoulders and said.
"Well let's get to it then- time to garden!"

Camilla trimmed some of the bushes while Willow weeded the bushes around the house. As she came around the side, she heard crying and looked around in confusion before her eyes fell on the window where she saw Gus sobbing into his hands.

Immediately she dropped everything and was about to run inside to help him, before seeing Hunter sit down and wrap his arm around him instead.

She watched as he easily cheered Gus up and felt butterflies in her stomach watching him learn how to solve a Rubik's cube.

Suddenly Willows name was called by Camilla over by the swings.
"Coming!" She cried back taking one last look at Hunter before he left her sight.

But not her mind.

:p sorry this took so long lol

Hope you enjoyed will upload more often!

I have a head canon that Amity would absolutely slay at human board games.

Anyways Bye!

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