Chapter Twenty Two • Promposal

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Hello my fellow shippers!
Now, I know what your all thinking.
Wow did this bitch really upload a new chapter in LESS THAN TWO WEEKS!?

Yes. Yes I did.

Your all welcome.

Also it has come to my attention that I have 67 followers... :|

LIKE WHERE ARE YOU ALL COMING FROM. I don't even know 67 people irl. Crazy. But still, ty all so much!

Maybe when I'm older, if I become an author, I'll put this down as one of my previous occupations 😈



Yes, is me!
Thank you all so much, for all your support!😭✨💐

Anyways, enjoy the chaos!

Hunters eyes darted around for Willow, in an attempt to call her back to save him from a possible above elbow amputation that Priah was threatening.

She dragged him faster than Hunter believed humanly possible, bringing him to a secluded area at last .

"Hey babe I missed youuuu!! Where were you!?" Priah said punching him in the arm playfully. Hunter resisted the urge to punch her back.

"I had some... personal... family... issues to figure out. My uncle.... drowned?"
Priah dropped her arms and her jaw as her eyes widened in complete shock.

"I- Omg Callleeebb!! That is so sad! I am so sorry!" She leaned in to hug him, just as Hunter quickly side stepped, sending her into a pole. Priah just shook it off, however, rubbing her forehead.

"Is there anything I can do to help?" She said.

You can back the fuck off-
"Maybe just give me some space right now. I'm sure I'll be over it by lunch."
"Oh goody! Because I have a surprise for you, Cay-lee-bear!"

Hunter winced as Priah sang that, in a playful tone, while jokingly poking him.

"Yeah... SO ANYWAYS. Class? Sound good?"
"Yeah- wait noooo! We don't have the same cla-a-assssssssssuh-"
"I- Wait, how do you know what classes I have!?"
".....WOW. Wouldja LOOK AT THE TIME!? Class is NEARLY OVER! We better run! Bye bye Cay-Bear!"

And so Priah ran off leaving Hunter mildly concerned.

Willow watched in shock as Priah texted Phillip about her promposal plans, while he just replied with cOmPLiMeNts!!

She was so mad she wanted to snap her pencil in two! That two faced bitch!

Broski Caleb was so so cutte! ❤️
I almost ruined our plan and
proposed to him right then and there!

Well good thing you didn't! This is
gonna be the best promposal ever!

Thanks Lip
Tho he did mention something
a tad concerning

Share s'il vous plaît

He said his uncle drowned

"he WhAT!?" Willow cried before clapping her hand over her mouth, as she realised how loud she was. Everyone was staring at her. Face red she coughed and waved her hand, saying.
"Sorry, sir, please... con-continue."

The teacher raised an eyebrow at her, before continuing his lecture. Willow let out a sigh of relief before realising Priah had put her phone away and was now doodling her and 'Caleb's' name in hearts all over her notebook.

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