Chapter Fifteen • Genius Butterflies

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tysm y'all are literally the best!!!!

Hunter scraped the edges of his mango yoghurt tub with his spoon, making sure not to leave even the tiniest amount. He swung his legs back and forth as the dangled over the Home Ec classrooms counter. Willow sat beside him, however she was now lying down on the counter, in a food coma.

"I don't think I'll ever be able to eat another bite of anything ever again. I am stuffed." She said with a sigh.
Hunter finished licking the tub clean and then joined her, staring up the plain white ceiling.

Hunter turned his head to face Willows.
"Thanks... for Y'know, cheering me up. I appreciate it."
She turned to face him as well and flashed him a huge, warm grin.
"Anytime, Hunter. You deserve to be cheered up."

Hunter grinned back before suddenly realising how close their faces were to each other and quickly sitting up, his cheeks red.

"E-either way, we should clean up. I'm still certain we'll be severely punished for stealing a human delicacy."
"Yoghurt is not a human world delicacy, it exists back in the demon realm."

"Oh... whatever stealing is stealing." He said hurriedly.

And you know how much you'll regret being caught.

As Hunter picked up the spoons, his hands suddenly started to shake slightly. He glared at them in annoyance and quickly opened the drawer.

"Woah, Hunter." Willow said with a giggle. "We need to clean them first. I can do that while you throw out the tubs, okay?"

Hunter nodded and held out spoons to her. As Willow took them, their fingertips brushed, sending a feeling of butterflies into Hunters stomach.

He noticed it, but didn't think much of it until he grabbed the tubs. Hunter inhaled violently but quietly as he remembered what V had told him.

Holy Titan... I like Willow!?

He just stood there, in pure shock, slowly beginning to shake his head.

No surely not... but V is a human expert... I should just trust her. Or maybe Priah is just nearby and the butterflies can sense her.

Hunter then nodded to himself.

Yes that sounds right. Got me some smart butterflies.

He turned around to look at Willow and she looked at his hands and laughed.

"Why are you still holding the tubs?"
"I Uh- I was admiring them." Hunter quickly walked over to the trash can and threw them away, before smiling, and then laughing along with her.

And just then, as if God hated all things good, the Home Ec door swung open, causing panic to rise in both Willow and Hunter. Immediately they dropped to the floor behind some desks as a voice called out.

"Caleb? Caaaaallleeeb. Where arre yo- oh! Hi there silly!" She said walking over to Hunter. Willow poked out her tongue at the sight of Priah.

Hunter actually was about to back away from her before sucking in his breath.

The butterflies don't lie. I have to like her....

He cringed a bit before standing up and dusting himself off, plastering a convincing smile onto his face.

"Hi sweety! What were you doing on the floor?"
Willow rolled her eyes, as she remained crouched down and out of sight.

"I Uhm... dropped something."
"What did you drop? Did you find it?"
Priah immediately dropped to the floor but Hunter pulled her back up to avoid Willow being found out. If he was going to get in trouble, there was no way that he was letting her get dragged down as well.

"YES I actually did find it." Hunter said quickly reaching into his hoodie pocket and pulling out the first thing he found and handed it to her.

"See right there."
"Is this..." Priah held it up to her eyes inspecting it for a minute before turning away from him.

"You... you came in here looking for this... because you didn't want to lose it?"
"Uh... yes."
Priah turned back to Hunter, her eyes shining with tears as Hunter signalled for Willow to escape while she can. She nodded and snuck slowly towards the door.

Priah then held it back out to Hunter as he finally got a good look at it. It was a pen. But not just any pen. Priahs pen. That he had borrowed in science.

"Caleb?" she then said with her voice coated thickly in honey. And before Hunter could react, before Willow could reach the door, before Priah gave any kind of warning at all, she kissed him.

She held his lips in hers for the longest time, her eyes closed and her hand placed on Hunters shoulders while he just... stared. He stared down at Priah, his arms awkwardly hanging by his sides. Unsure of what to do exactly, he just closed his eyes as well and waited for it to end.

And Willow just watched. She watched as her life seemed to stop for one painful minute. It was as if everything was in slow motion, even though it had happened so quickly. It felt surreal, dreamlike. And sickening.

Willow watched as Priah slowly wrapped her arms around Hunters neck, jealousy twisting her insides about violently. She swiftly pulled open the door and ran, from her fear, from her pain, from her Hunter.

And yet it lingered, in her heart. Her heart, which hurt from the drain of emotions and running. So finally, after crossing the school, she collapsed into a bench beside a drinking fountain which someone was using. Willow ignored them, however. Because she had lots of thinking to do.

But she could ignore them no longer when they revealed themselves to be no other than Amity.
"Willow- Willow!? Are you alright-"
Silent tears began to fall as Willow felt so unnaturally upset, so vulnerable. But she embraced it, letting the tears fall, making them. But no matter how far away she was from the Home Ec room, no matter how many times Amity stroked her hair, all that Willow could see was Priah.

That hateful little bit-

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