Chapter Five • Sunflowers

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Willow smiled at herself in the mirror, admiring the human-esc outfit that Luz had picked out for her.

A pair of high-waisted boyfriend jeans, with a white ribbed t shirt tucked into it, with a small yellow sunflower in the center. She wore a yellow bucket hat to match (and to hide her ears) and black converse.

"Well? Do you like it?" Luz asked.
Willow giggled.
"I love it. Who knew being a human was so fun!" She said, pushing her glasses up her nose bridge.

Hunters eyes widened to the size of saucers. He turned pale and could feel his hands shaking. Gus took notice of this immediately and decided that saying all that was a mistake.

"Hunter forget about it! It was probably fake or somethi-"
"I-I-" Hunter let out terrified squeaks between his dry sobs.
Hyperventilating he jumped up and ran to the kitchen sink, splashing water onto his face.

Calm down Hunter. Freaking out like this isn't going to help anyone!

He slapped himself in the face and gripped the edges of the sink, face down, calming his breathing. Hunter then slowly sank down into the floor, covering his face with his hands, leaning his elbows on his knees. He then lifted his hands, pushing them through his hair, blinking back his tears.

Just try to forget about it. All of it. Belos, the Goldenguards, Phillip.... Caleb.

Hunter was snapped out of his thoughts at the sound of Gus talking to someone else in the living room. He was saying things like 'slay queen.' Which he didn't understand, so he decided to rejoin him.

"What's going o-" Hunter froze in the doorway at the sight of Willow. She turned to look at him before smiling widely.

His cheeks immediately began to glow red. Wow. The captain looks so... cute. And pretty.

Then he coughed into his fist and looked off to the window, playing with his burnt hair tip.

"*cough* you look... nice."
Willow blushed as Luz ran up to Hunter, pulling him away to have a makeover.

"NO SAVE ME-" was the last thing that Gus and Willow heard before the door slammed.

"Ok Hunter go try this on!" Luz said handing him denim shorts and an oversized pastel yellow hoodie with baby blue butterflies on it. He took one look at it and said
"Absolutely not."
Luz groaned.
"come ON Hunter I don't have any masculine clothes like yours. This is gonna have to do!"
"What am I supposed to wear on my feet? Your feet are tiny I doubt any of your human shoes will fit me!"

"You can wear my moms Air Force ones or something! And wear the beanie you had before, y'know the black one? That'll hide your ears."
"Ok well what about my eyes?"
"I have brown contacts from my Azura cosplay!"
Amity looked at her confused.
"Luz, firstly, Azuras eyes are green and second you have brown eyes. Why would you buy brown contacts?"
Luz sighed.
"That's what I got for shopping on eBay."

She went to grab them and when she returned Luz shoved them straight into Hunters eyes.

"ACK! HUMAN! WHAT THE HECK!" He cried in pain.

"Just give them a second they'll sting a bit at first-"

Willow and Gus were very concerned, hearing all this from the living room.
"Should we go help or..." She suggested. Gus just shrugged.
"Give it time."

And soon enough, after Luz and Amity locked Hunter in the bathroom and after twenty minutes of bargaining, Hunter came into the living room, wearing the outfit. He stuffed his hands in the hoodies pocket, grumpily staring at the ground.

Hunter was not happy about being forced to wear such a cutesy outfit. However, Willow was over the moon. She had never seen Hunter look so innocent and... pretty before.

Gus tried to stifle his giggling as Luz shot finger guns at him  and said
"Gustabon! You're up!"
"Huh- wait no-NO HELP—"
And so Amity and Luz dragged him off to meet his fate leaving Hunter and Willow alone.

"I...I really like the hoodie. It brings out your soft side."
Hunter scoffed.
"I don't have a soft side... but uh ..thanks. I like your shirt."
Willow smiled.

"I know right? Who knew the human world had Sinflowers? Luz told me how they're called sunflowers here and that they aren't cannibals! I also found this neat book explaining their biology, did you know that they track the sun!? Crazy right! And..."
Willow rambled on about sunflowers for 20 minutes, and Hunter listened intently, gazing at her face as she listed each fact passionately. He ignored all the background noise, the sound of Camilla in the kitchen cooking dinner, the sound of Guses cries of despair from being forced into no doubt something even cutsier than his outfit.

He just focussed on Willow. His captain.

She stopped for a second to catch her breath.
"" Hunter said in awe. Willow smiled.

"So you're into Human Herbology?"
He shrugged.
"I don't know about the rest of the plants, but sunflowers sound pretty cool."
She giggled, making Hunters cheeks turn pink.

"Well what do you do for fun? You know like I have plants and Flyer Derby."
"I uh... I like to read."
"Any human books peak your interest yet?"
"Just one, but it's basically a rip off of the Demon Realm. It's called Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince whatever that means-"

The sound of Luz  sprinting down the hallway made Hunter jump. She skidded to a stop and said
"....there's more than one?"
Luzs face fell.
"Don't tell me you started from that one-"
"You know, that would explain a lot. I thought the plot was just bad but it could be that I skipped a few of the books."
"Oh god oh no what chapter are you on?"
"Uhhh....  15."
"NOOOOOOO!!" Luz sobbed as Amity came into the living room with Gus following her. He was wearing a green and brown sweater tucked into a pair of brown shorts, along with some doc martins. On his head was a frog beanie that covered the tips of his ears. Gus chuckled.

"You know I don't know why I was so mad before! Human clothes rule!"

Hunters lip curved into a smile as he gazed out the window, thinking about sunflowers.

Thanks for reading!! Get ready for angst in the next or second next chapter because the gang is going to human school!
Anyways have a great day! Drink lots of water!
Byeeeee 😘

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