Chapter Eleven • Girlfriend

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When you realise Hunter was called Hunter because Belos was a witch Hunter 🥲 (no I am not ok 👍)

Jokes but fr Dana Terrace knew what she was doing


So for those of you who don't know, I wrote another fan fic before this one, which was about Sashanne.


 😮 WHATTTTTTTTTTT OH MY GOD OH MY GOD 🙌 THANKS TO EVERYONE WHO SUPPORTED THIS, I am so excited about this XD I just need to reach 10k reads

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.... 😮
THANKS TO EVERYONE WHO SUPPORTED THIS, I am so excited about this XD I just need to reach 10k reads.

Thanks again, continue

Finally Priah arrived at her desired destination and stopped dragging Hunter, however, she did not drop his arm. He groaned under his breath. This girl was really starting to get on his nerves.

"Come on boo." Priah said, taking him over to a table full of random people and one face that Hunter recognised as Phillips.

What on Titan is a boo? Hunter thought. This humans language was beyond grammatically incorrect.

The two sat down at the table, there elbows touching because of how little space there was. It made Hunter very uncomfortable. He hated it when his arms touched someone else's.

Well unless they were Willows. That was different. When she knocked his arm, or when they had to squish together on the bus, all he felt was a fluttery sensation in his chest.

Now his mind was on Willow again. Hunter didn't understand why but she was just his favourite go-to comfort person to think about. It made him feel happy, and helped him ignore his current situation.

Priah wrapped her arm around Hunter, whilst immersed in conversation with some random kid.

"...oh yeah we've been dating for almost an hour now. He is a way better boyfriend than Josh..."

Hunter smirked to himself.
She has a boyfriend? What kind of boy would be able to put up with her for that long?

It was when Priah reached for his hand seconds later that Hunter decided he'd reached his limit. He stood up and walked away without saying a word, on a quest to find someone.

Anyone that he knew. Preferably Willow.

"Come oooonn!! Puh-leeaaasse!!" Luz groaned, shaking Willows arm as they neared Amity's locker.

Willow just shook her head, her cheeks turned scarlet.
"Luz I swear to Titan I don't have crush on anyone!"
"Girl please I have been so tea deprived lately I don't even care if you make something up at this point!!"

Amity suddenly appeared from behind them.
"Don't worry, Batata. I have some tea for you."

Luz beamed as her girlfriend joined her on her other side. Willow listened in closely, trying to block out the faint chatter of other humans around them.

"Ok get this." Amity said in a hushed voice. "A girl who I sat with in first period was in our class just then and as we were leaving, she stopped me to talk with me. As we were talking, she got a snap talk-"

"Snapchat." Luz corrected.

"— notification that some girl had posted on her book or something-"

"Her story."

"Yes that and it was a picture of her and Hunter. And you won't believe what the caption said."

Luz and Willow listened contently, on the edge of their seats, as Amity took a dramatic pause.

And then all of a sudden Gus ran up to them, getting strange looks, screaming.


Luzs jaw dropped as her eyes grew ten times their size. Amity frowned, annoyed that Gus had stolen her news. And Willow...

...was close to tears.

Hunter finally had given up his search. He had looked everywhere, but alas, there was no sign of anyone. Not Luz, not Willow, absolutely nobody.

And then he did see someone he recognised. At first he thought it was Luz, but after examining her yellow barrettes and neat cardigan, Hunter realised that it was actually V.

"Hey Luz." He said walking up to her and the girl she was talking with.
"Oh hey Caleb!" V said, smiling. She was way to good at this acting stuff. It was kind of scary actually.

Then V turned to her friend.
"This'll only take a minute, can I meet you at your locker?"
Her friend nodded, smiled and waved before turning on her heel and trodding off.

V smiled back at her, before turning quickly to face Hunter, her expression growing stormy.
"You. Got. A. GIRLFRIEND!?"

Hunter took a step back in shock and confusion.

"It's your first day of human school and you had one rule: DONT DRAW ATTENTION TO YOURSELF. Now the enTIRE school is talking about you and Priah-"

V paused. She had suddenly been interrupted by Hunters roaring laughter.
"Hah wait— wait you think that I'm dating-that I'm dating— Priah!?"
He smirked at her and crossed his arms.
"You are totally mistaken. She's way to annoying and doesn't respect rules or authority!"

V squinted at him.
"Ok ok then explain this!"
She pulled out her phone to reveal Priahs public snap story. It said 'eating lunch w my bf 😘' and the selfie consisted of 80% of Priahs face filling the screen, and Hunter looking off into space in the background, with a giant heart drawn around him.

Hunter was hit with a wave of confusion.
"I don't understand why she thinks I'm her bf... what's a bf?"
V groaned.
"Boy. Friend. You do know what that is right!? Someone you like!? Who is a boy!?"

"Wait actually Priah did tell me that she liked me."
"Oh well that explains things."
"Yeah and I told her I liked her too."
".... What."
"Yeah I mean when she asked I had no real reason to DISlike her. She wasn't that bad."
"Hold on a minute... you told her you liked her!?"
"...yes I literally just said that. Is that wrong?"
"No-I- ok Hunter so depending on the context or whatever, like can mean something else ENTIRELY."

"What do you mean?"
"Well there's liking something like apples or something, but then there's liking someone, as in romantically. Like when you get a fluttery feeling in your stomach around someone or your face heats up. Something like that."

Hunter thought about what V was saying. He had felt those things before. Did that mean that he really did like Priah romantically? We're they going to have to date now!?

Hunter facepalmed internally, disappointed. Priah was the last person he would choose as his girlfriend...

And the first would be Willow lol

Hunter just made an annoyingly irritating mistake

Now he and everyone else shall suffer BAHAHAHA

love u all tysm for all this beautiful support 💗

If I knew y'all irl we'd be besties ^^


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