Chapter Twenty Four • Lillip

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Apologies for this late upload
I started school again on Tuesday last week 😭 and apparently none of my teachers give a shit about the unspoken rule that you DONT GIVE OUT HOMEWORK IN THE FIRST WEEK 😡 😤

So anyway

Without further ado

Huntlow ~

Hunter stood frozen in the doorway for a second, unable to snap out of the state of shock he was in. People surrounding Willow and Phillip whispered and chatted amongst each other, all equally surprised by this strange pairing. The teacher, who was also clearly as shocked about this huge tea that got spilt in his class as everyone else, tried to calm the students.

Willow widened her eyes at Phillip quickly and then hissed through clenched teeth.
"I'm gonna hug you now."
Phillip subtly nodded as they hugged, awkwardly. However, it must've been convincing because they were met with applause from the rest of the class. Everyone clapped. Everyone but Hunter.

His shock had been replaced with such blinding rage, that he picked up his stuff off the floor and dumped it onto a desk next to Priah, who apparently, was his only friend now. In this class at least.

Hunter didn't even really know what he was mad about. He just knew that it was directed at Willow, which was unfair to her. She was her own person. Her actions shouldn't affect Hunter like this. Her actions shouldn't make him want to cry.

The bell went signalling for second break, and Luz ran out of her English class as fast as her legs could carry her. She sped through the corridors, until she spotted a certain cotton candy haired goddess, and flung her arms around her.

"I- Luz!?" Amity cried in happy surprise. "Hi!"
"Helloooo! Did you know that there was a dance on Friday!?"
"Yeah. You really need to check you BreakTalk book."
".... You mean my SnapChat stories?"
"Yeah those thingys. Where were you when Hunter was serenaded by that annoying ass human?"
"Lunchtime detention with Stilinski." Luz said pulling out her phone and checking her Snapchat.
"Dios mío, Hunter, you could've at least tried to look happy about it. Oh lord, Taylor Swift is totally ruined for me now."
"Who's Taylor Swift?"
"She's like the Titan of the human realm. Everyone worships her. Oh mi pobre batata, you have so much to learn..."
"I know... your world is so intriguing!"
"I mean I guess, but nowhere near as intriguing as yours- OH! I just remembered why I came here! Amity Bligh- crap I mean, Amelia Parish," Luz said brandishing a purple rose.

"I am taking you to human grom!"
Amity beamed and kissed her girlfriend happily.

Willow dragged Phillip out of the classroom and pinned him against a wall in a remote corridor.
"Okay. What the heck."
"Why are you so mad?"
"Why on Titans life did you ask me to the dance?"
"Well you said yes!"
"Yeah because I thought you had an ulterior motive!"
"Calm your fucking farm, okay? I do."
Willow raised an eyebrow.

"Ok well if you must know, I've been informed that Hunter actually does like you back. So if we can make him jealous enough, he'll dump Priah. And when she's single, I'll dump you for her. Then you can get with him, and it's all sunshine rainbows happy the end."
Willow mulled it over in her mind.

"Your— you think he likes me back?"
"Yes. I am 100% fully convinced. Trust me."
Willow blushed unable to suppress her smile as she hugged Phillip.

"... Lilly what are you doing."
"Your always so bitter. It wouldn't kill you to have some oxytocin now and then."

Just then, Neveah rounded the corner with her eyes glued to her phone. Willow and Phillip froze midhug as Neveah slowly looked up and snapped a picture of them.

"Omg Phillip! You two are like actually fr? That is so fucking crazy. Good for you, bestie. This is totally going on my snap story. #lillip4life."

Phillip cringed letting go of Willow.
"Neveah nobody in their right mind would put hashtags on a SnapStory."

"Oops. I already posted it. Later losers."

As Neveah flicked her messy bun and walked away, Willow made a shocking discovery.

"Wow. Human Bocsha."
"I'm sorry what?" Phillip said mildly concerned.
"I- oh- inside joke with this bitch at my... old school Hec— ate side. Yeah. She was a brutal Bitch who was totally obsessed with grud- rug-by. Yeah-"
"Okay okay jeez I didn't ask for her life story-"

Hunter sat agitatedly at his lunch table, alone, stabbing his fork into the wood. Priah had a student council meeting this break and she begged Hunter to come with her but he said he had 'study.'

Gus wallowed over to Hunters table, depressed as fuck, and slammed his face down on the surface. Hunter flinched at the sudden noise of a twelve year old boy in distress.

"Gus! What happened!"
"I've never felt so single in all my liii-hi-hi-hiiifee!!!"
"Your going to the dance with Priah-"
"Yeah against my will-"
"-Amity's going with Luz, V is going with some kid named Riley, and Willow is going with that Bitch boy Phillip!"
Hunter winced at the last one.

"Gus your a very charismatic child. I'm sure you'll find a date by tomorrow."
"Thursday is my lucky day I guess. It's known as Thors day, (I learnt that from a human book) and Luz has shown me images of this Thor guy. He actually is Australian. And totally ripped. I think his names Charles Henzwarf or something."
"Okay then. Tomorrow you will seize the day of Charles Henzwarf and ask someone out."
"Yes! That is an option! Orrr..."
"No Gus. No. It is your only option."
"But I already bulk bought chloroform off of Amazon with Camilas credit card!"

Hunter dropped his fork and just stared at Gus in shock. What happened to that innocent boy who had taught him how to breathe!?

Finally. At long last. The school day had finished. And Willow could reveal her theory. She gathered everyone in the living room and set up a whiteboard.

"Okay. So as you all know I found a scroll. We know not much about it, like how it got here, or how to unlock it. But we do know other things. Well, I know other things. I was trying to open it, and then I realised something. The lockscreen."

Willow held up the scroll. The lockscreen was a picture of an adorable kitten, with eight eyes. It looked like the the owner of the scroll had taken the photo themselves because there were people from the Boiling Isles littering the background in a market setting.

"I was inspecting it closely and I noticed something. Just behind the cat, there's an antiques stall. And theres posters. You see this one poster,"

Willow pointed out one of the posters with a treasure chest looking shape on it, covered in frogs, with gems.

"I've seen that somewhere before. I know I have. And then it hit me. There was this book that my dad loved to his hearts content. He would show me all of its pages over and over again. It was called 'Dr Ps Extraordinary Guide to Magic & Mystery.' And I know that doesn't seem special but the thing is that that book is full of inter dimensional stuff. And my father bought it from Edas stand. That means it came from the human world. That means if we can get our hands on a copy,"

Willow exhaled excitedly as everyone stared on in shock.

"We have a damn good shot at getting home."

Give me a D!

Give me an R!

Give me an A-M-A!

Damn it's really getting to the climax now
That means I can't just half ass all the chapters and fill them with Gus's kidnapping obsession and call it progress anymore 😭

Ah well

It's getting sPiCy

I know I said I'd have it finished by this week, but I'm very behind schedule so

Good news

It's gonna surviVe a little longer

Anyways it's like 1 am for me rn and I need sleeps for school

Byeeee 😭

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