Chapter Two • Rooms

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Willow came and sat down next to Hunter, observing the wallpaper. It was a nice shade of yellow. She turned to see if it was the same for the other wall, and immediately saw Hunter spin his head away from her. Willow smiled, playing with her tie.

She looked around at all the plants that lined the walls. There were succulents of all shapes and sizes, and at least 5 pots of Devils Ivy. It was fascinating to see plants from the demon realm so still, and non-carnivorous.

Suddenly, she heard quiet, shuddering gasps from beside her. She turned to see Hunter, with his eyes squeezed shut, covering his ears with his hands. Willow was about to help him when suddenly, a hand landed on her shoulder from behind. She spun around to see Luz, grinning at them. Hunter seemed to have woken up from whatever was happening, and he too turned to Luz as she said
"Time to see your bedrooms."

There were no 'bedrooms.' What Luz had meant to say was 'bedroom.' When the three arrived at the door of the guest room, Hunter and Willow were thoroughly confused.

"You said bedrooms." Hunter said, annoyed.
"I did?" Luz said "oh, well since V is in my bed, me and Amity will be sleeping on the floor of my room, and Gus is on the couch. You can decide who gets the bed and who gets the foldout."

Willow sighed as the human went off to introduce the others to their rooms.
"Well, Caleb-"
"It's Hunter."
"Oh shoot, sorry sorry! Old habits..."
She rubbed her arm awkwardly.
"You can take the bed." Hunter said after a while, making himself comfortable on the foldout. Willow shrugged and lay down on the twin mattress. She was torturing herself over asking about what was going on back in the living room.

"So Cal- I mean Hunter, how are you feeling about... all this."
Hunter let out an empty chuckle.
"Honestly, I don't know why I'm surprised about it. Ever since I met that human, my life has only gone downhill. I lost my dignity, my place, my position... my home. But that's just life, I guess."
Willow frowned sympathetically.

"I know life can suck sometimes, but I promise, that I will try my best to make your time here worthwhile."
Hunter looked into her eyes and let a small smile appear on his lips.
"Thanks Captain."
She blushed, and beamed back at him.
"Anytime, Hunter."

Willow reached for the light switch, leaving them in total darkness, as she placed her glasses on the bedside table and got ready for sleep.

All of a sudden, the lamp on the table flickered on, making her jump.
"...sorry." Hunter whispered lying back on his foldout.
"Do you not like the dark?"
He shook his head.
That is so cute. Willow thought before shaking it from her mind and pulling the covers up.

"Night Hunter."
And so they drifted into sleep.

The entire house was awoken by the sound of Luz, banging pots and pans together. Well, almost the entire house. Hunter had woken up at 5 sharp, because that was the time that his body was used to waking up at, for training. However, seeing as there was no training to be done, and he was under house arrest, he decided to read. He had found a very interesting book, which, personally, was the biggest insult to magic and witch kind that he had ever seen.

It was called 'Harry Potter.' (No hate to Harry Potter, btw. The books are absolutely godly.) And apart from it being factually incorrect, it was actually quite entertaining. With nobody else awake, he read the first 10 chapters in peaceful silence. Until he was disrupted by a racket of pots and pans.

"Wake up! It's time to wake uup!" Luz cried, banging harder as she reached each door. Gus, who was asleep on the couch, next to Hunters reading spot, had woken with a start and fallen onto the floor.

"It's 7 o'clock everyone! Time to start the day-"
"Human!" Hunter cried from where he was sitting, as Luz came into view.

"Could you PLEASE cut that out?"
"Well- wait a minute, is that Harry Potter?"
Hunter checked the cover before nodding.

"How are you that far in already? How long have you been awake for!?"
"Uhm..." Hunter checked the time.
"2 hours and 3 minutes."
Luzs jaw dropped.
"Dude... go back to bed."
"Wait what?"
"We were up til like 11 last night. 6 hours of sleep is not good for you. Go get some rest."
"But I'm not tired- wAiT-"
Luz had grabbed Hunter by the arm and was dragging him back to the guest room.
"Human! Let me go!"
"No!" She said, pushing him onto the foldout. He just sat there for a minute, contemplating the best escape manoeuvre to leave the room while evading capture.
Then the Captain awoke.

"*yawn* morning Hunter, Luz."
"Morning Willow! Welcome to your first morning in the Human Realm!"
"What are up so early for? There's no school on."
"No, there is not. But there is shenanigans." Luz grinned deviously.
"Meet me in the living room in 5. But you," she said pointing at Hunter.
"You need sleep."
He poked his tongue out at her as she walked out.

"Wow, you get to go back to bed? Lucky." Willow said, grabbing her glasses. Hunter huffed.
"Hardly. I'm not even tired! It's not my fault you all sleep in until 7."
"Sleep in!?" She laughed, genuinely. "How early do you get up!?"
"5 on the dot."

She pulled on her boots and redid her tie. Hunter stood up to leave, believing that he did not need to rest, but Willow stopped him.

"Not so fast."
"Oh Titan, not you too! I am not tired."
"Doesn't matter! Back in bed mister!"

Letting out a sigh, he sat back down on the fold out, grumpily. She giggled, making Hunters face go red.

"I'll be back soon to make sure your asleep." Willow said, patting his head.
"Sweet dreams!"

And so she left, leaving Hunter in flustered confusion.

Hope you enjoyed! I'm not sure if I'm going to send them to school or not. I guess I will because Luz went to school when she was trapped in the boiling isles. But anyways, hope you enjoyed! Love this ship so much, and I pray to Dana Terrace that it become canon.

Bye! 😘

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