Chapter Eight • Principal Hal

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Willow jumped at the sound of a bell ringing. She waited for about ten seconds for it to stop before glancing around at the humans, as they filed out of the library. Curious, she followed them.

One boy with red hair was walking rather quickly, so Willow decided to stick with him, walking at a matching pace about a meter and a half behind him.

After about three minutes he noticed her and slowly came to a stop.

"...are you following me?"
Willow nodded.
"Sorry I'm new. I was hoping you could lead me to where Im supposed to go."
The boy sighed and pinched the space between his eyebrows.

"Uhh...yeah, you'll have to go to Mr Hal's office for your schedule."
"Oh thanks! I'm W- uh Lilly, by the way." She said, holding out her hand in an attempt to be friendly. The boy hesitated before taking it.


Willow froze.
"Ohh your Hu- I mean Caleb's friend."
Phillip bit his lip.
"I wouldn't say 'friend', I barely know him. Why, do you?"
She nodded.

"Yeah we've kinda... known each other since like... forever.." Willow lied. "He can be a bit... socially awkward."

Phillip widened his eyes and nodded enthusiastically.
"Yes thank god I'm not the only one who thought so. My friend Priah kept saying 'oh maybe he was just nervous we should be nice to him.' Pretty sure she has a thing for him."

Willows eye twitched.
"O-oh, well, if you point me to where this Mr Hal guy is, I'll be on my way!" She said plastering a grin on her face.

Phillip gave her a quick, badly drawn map and sent her on her way.

Hunter jumped violently at the sound of a bell ringing. He quickly spun his head around, searching for the source. Was it an alarm? Had they been compromised?

Paranoid and concerned, Hunter began to run around the library on a desperate search of Willow and Gus. However, Gus found him first.

"Hey!" He said from behind, making Hunter jump again.
"Titan! What's going on!?"
"Don't worry it's just the bell! I learnt all about it in this horror movie Luz showed me called 'High School Musical.' It basically means class time. But, Luz told us to regroup at the principals office first so..."

"We should find Willow." Hunter said immediately, looking around for her. Gus raised an eyebrow.

"Oh. You and Willow are quite good f r i e n d s, aren't you?" He wiggled his eyebrows. Hunter, however, didn't get it.

"Yes we are." He said with a small nod and an even smaller blush. Gus exhaled. That was not the reaction he had wanted.

They arrived at principal Hal's office not long after V, Luz and Amity. Hunter immediately noticed Willows absence.

"Where's Willow? Have you seen her? What if she's lost? We should go look for her-"
Amity placed her hands in Hunters shoulders and shook him violently.

"Stop stressing! She's probably fine!"
"Cut it out before it gets annoying."

Amity and Hunter had a kind of 'frenemy' relationship. They both narrowed their eyes at each other before spreading apart, Amity going to Luzs side and Hunter to Gus's.

"Yes! I'm not late!" Willow cried, arriving at last. Hunter couldn't keep the smile off his face as she ran up to the group.

"Girl where were you!?" Luz said exasperated.
"Sorry I was given a very poorly drawn map." She said holding up a piece of paper with lots of messy words and crossed out drawings.

Suddenly, the door of the office opened and Principal Hal stood there.

"Please, come in."

All 6 of them sat side by side before him as he skimmed over the papers that Mrs Noceda had signed to allow them to come to the school.

As Mr Hal read, the kids noticed the very unique scar on his forehead, from the snake attack that occurred after Luzs book report. Because of it, she wasn't exactly his favourite student.

Finally, after a long period of silence, the principal spoke.
"So, Luz these are your..."

"Cousins." V said, confidently.
"This is Lucy-" (Camilla had forced Luz to change her name because the school already knew that Luzura was Luzs fictional alias.) "Lilly and Vincent, my cousins, and Lucy's girlfriend, Amelia, and her brother, Caleb. They've all come here as exchange students from Australia to experience the exoticness of a real life American school."

It took everything to keep everyone's jaws from dropping at the stellar performance that V had just given.

Principal Hal placed his hands together and nodded.
"Well then! Welcome to the school, everyone! Here are your schedules, if you need anything at all, feel free to ask me or another teacher. Hope you all have a great day."

And with that, they were dismissed. Once they were out of earshot, Luz let out a laugh.

"Wow, V! That was amazing! You didn't even break a sweat!" She high fived her before the group dispersed. Gus had history, Amity and Willow had Maths, V had headed off to her Geography class, while Luz and Hunter had Science.

Great he thought. A whole hour with the human.

"Sup dude." Luz said holding her hand up in the air. Hunter was unsure what to do with it, so he just stared.
"Come on bro don't leave me hanging!" She reached for his hands but he immediately yanked them away.
"Uh- uhh SCIENCE. We have that now."

Luz raised an eyebrow.
"Yes we do. Come on, before all the good seats get taken!" She began to run at full speed, catching Hunter off guard as he too began to sprint.

They arrived, both out of breath.
"Ha!" Luz cried, regaining her posture. "I win."
"You... *pant*... had a huge head start." Hunter said between breaths.

"Stop making excuses for yourself, CaLeB." She said as they entered the room.
"Ok then LuCy." He hissed back as they found their seat behind a girl with long black hair and a boy with short red hair.

Behind a girl who turned around to face him, a girl whose face he recognised.

A girl who he knew as Priah.

Drama lol
Sorry the update was late my brother snitched me out for having my phone last night so I couldn't write more 😭

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