Chapter Thirteen • I Only Wanted To Help You

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Haven't slept in over thirty seven hours, have had to recharge my phone six times but drank three cups of coffee and a whole can of monster so I'm going to lie to myself and say that I'm emotionally, physically and mentally prepared for this 🥲👌

Hunter let out a sigh of relief as he dropped his paper and pen down on a desk in the back of the room. Finally he had some alone time. The teacher walked in, with a tall slenderman frame, arched over like the witch from Snow White. It was like the villains entrance in a movie.

Hunter didn't even notice, however. He just did his own thing, turning over his messy piece of paper to the neat, blank side. He was glad that the ominous presence of the teacher had calmed the class down, allowing some silence and peace of mind for Hunter. And then he looked up.

The teacher was at least 40 maybe 35. He had a crooked nose and deceiving pale blue eyes. And platinum blonde hair that grew almost to his shoulders. He straightened his back up as he sat down and Hunter dared not blink.

No. He thoughts trying to look away. Forget about it. They don't even look remotely similar.

And then he spoke. In a clear, English voice, that was calm and almost slightly higher than a man his age's voice should be. And it sounded like almost like it was from a 50s sitcom, with the old fashioned pinch in his words.

The resemblance in looks was shocking, but in his voice it was just uncanny. A bead of sweat formed on Hunter forehead. His brain barely registered what he was actually saying, all he heard was

"Hunter, why are you hurting me?"

"No..." Hunter said in a shuddering voice under his breath.

"I only wanted to help you!"

"You're lying." He hissed almost silently, squeezing his eyes shut and covering his ears, however the words echoed in his head until it was blaring in his brain.

It was suffocating. It was unbearable. Hunter needed fresh air because his breathing was escalating rapidly.

So he stood up, leaving his stuff on his desk. Eyes followed him in interest and the teacher stopped speaking suddenly as Hunter reached the door.

He placed his hand on the knob right as the teacher said something. But it didn't matter what he had said, because Hunter had heard it different.


And then he was back, in his nightmares. The classroom around him had melted away, transforming into the darkness of the portal room, however his hand remained on the doorknob.

So he blindly twisted it and ran. He ran as fast as he could trying to escape but it followed him. And then Hunter looked back to see the room had changed. He was now running down a pitch black corridor. And he wasn't alone.

He could barely hear it over his heart beating in his ears, but it was there.

Loud quick thuds emitted from all around, and they grew louder. It was getting closer. So Hunter ran faster, picking up his pace, trying to put as much distance between him and the creature as possible.

But then his foot hit something solid and his hit the floor, hard, sliding a bit, as Hunter quickly looked back, terrified, to see a dozen glowing blue eyes upon him. He squeezed his eyes shut and cowered in a ball as he prepared for his end-


A sweet voice pulled Hunter back to reality. He opened his eyes, blinking as they adjusted to the light.

And then he saw her, bent over, her hand outstretched, her eyebrows knitted together in concern and her eyes wide and scared.

"Oh Titan, Hunter, are you alright!?" Willow gasped. Hunter just nodded slowly taking her hand as she hoisted him up.

Once he was standing, he realised that he had been crying. Embarrassed, Hunter turned away from Willow, wiping his eyes on his sleeves and muttering a muffled apology followed by a cough.

Willow smiled and placed her hand on his shoulder, turning him back around to face her.

"Come with me."

She held her hand out and Hunters ears turned red as he took it. Almost immediately he was pulled along by Willow as she let out a small giggle and lead him away. They walked half way between single file and side by side, Hunter mulling a bit behind.

Even so, he gazed at the side of Willows head, admiring her profile and how nice her glasses sat on her nose, and the hat that covered the tips of her ears.

Eventually, however, he reluctantly had to look away, because they had arrived.

"The library? Did you want to do more searching?"
"No..." Willow said rolling her eyes and smirking.

She walked over to a corner full of beanbags and comfortable chairs.
"We came here for the couches."

It was definitely a challenge. Hunter was unsure how to approach such an abstract piece of furniture. Since when we're chairs blobs?

Eventually, he sat, sinking further into it, suddenly unable to escape.
"WoAh-" he cried as the beans crunched loudly beneath him.

"What is this monstrosity called again?"
"A 'bean bag.'"
"A bean bag? So it isn't a chair?"
"No it is." Willow laughed. Hunter sink deeper into the bag to hide his flustered expression.

"But that's besides the point. The real reason I brought you here is to talk with you."
"What about? This absolute abomination of an insult to comfortable furniture world wide? Who in their right mind sits on a bag full of beans?"

"Uh— no, I mean about earlier."
"Oh.0 Hunter said, looking down at his hands as he fiddled with them.
"Look it's fine if you don't want to tell me, but you were running from something, and you were scared. Like terrified. More terrified than Gus was when he saw Ryan's outfit in High School musical."

Hunter chuckled a bit but then sighed sadly.
"It's.... A really long story."
Willow placed her hand on his, surprising them both.
"Well we have a really long time."

Yes. Yes it is. 😌
Kind of.

Anyways I really need to sleep.
Bye besties :))

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